Too many people complain about the problems with young people today. You can’t open a newspaper without hearing someone whine about how kids are all wasting their money on avocados and not working hard enough. Those ‘damn Millennials’ don’t have a grip on reality, right?
But today’s teenagers are keen to show that, really, things haven’t changed all that much.
Young people have always bought luxury items that they want but don’t need. And people have always connected by dancing. Think about each generation complaining that dances moves from the younger generation are “too risque” or the music “isn’t what it used to be,” right?
The teenagers at this prom decided to show how dance has kept people together from the 1950s to now in an incredibly imaginative way.
Inspired by one of the first viral hits on YouTube, The Evolution of Dance, they created their own routine that incorporated a range of dances that all are linked. Each one flows into another and it’s super creative and well-choreographed.
At the video’s opening, they rise to “Stand By Me,” giving 50s moves to the song.

It also helps that all of the kids are dressed in suspenders, brown trousers, and white shirts. Only their shoes look out of place. Their moves are paying homage to the time when the song came out.
However, just as the audience is getting into the song, it changes to Chubby Checker’s “Twist,” from 1960.
All four boys doing the dance twist in time to the song, again looking appropriate. What a cute tribute to all of these great songs from the past!
Then, James Brown’s “I Feel Good” kicks in, showing the audience that music and dance had both become more expressive by 1964. Now, here’s where those dance moves started to get wild! 1964 must have been a crazy year!

The music then jumps forward in time 13 years to the Bee Gees’s “Night Fever.” Their style changes from the swinging sixties to disco dancing just as quickly!
In a less dramatic shift, the next song is the camp classic “YMCA.” Basically, everyone from 1978 until now has danced to this one. It would be hard not to join in as an audience member in the crowd.

Then the song travels back in time to “Kung Fu Fighting,” another one that almost everybody has moved to at some point. The crowd is absolutely loving these boys and their awesome talents.
But these boys put all other dancers at the show to shame. One of them even manages to perform a backflip off of another’s back!

Sticking with the 1970s still, “Funkytown” is the next song. Traveling through time and into the disco era now!
There are no backflips in this piece, but one of the boys does manage to do a handstand! I mean, why not, right?
The kids go into the 80s, with “(I’ve Had) The Time Of My Life” playing all of a sudden.
This time, the kids put on an even more impressive show, with one helping the other do a vaulted flip! The song is originally from Dirty Dancing, but that was an incredibly smooth move!
Shortly after this, the kids start dancing to 90s tunes. “Ice Ice Baby” starts up. They’re pulling out classic after classic for this routine!
But no sooner have they started moving to it than another 80s standard play. “It’s Like That,” by Run-DMC slows their routine down a little.
But then “Beat It” by Michael Jackson starts, and they speed up again, performing more acrobatic feats!

Then “Baby Got Back” by Sir Mix A Lot plays. (Clearly, this group is not American. It’s hard to imagine any US school approving of kids dancing to the lyrics “I like big butts, and I cannot lie.”)
And believe it or not, this is only halfway through the routine! The kids have really put a lot of effort into the performance.
It goes right up to the 2010s, with “Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen and “Gangnam Style” by Psy being boogied to by the boys!
At the end, the boys receive a huge round of applause.
The video has also been a hit on YouTube, gaining over 3 million views to date.
The comments also lavish praise on the group:

This video should be good enough to make even the most pessimistic person hopeful about young people, the things that they can achieve and their appreciation of the past!

Watch their amazing music, time-traveling mash-up in the video below and keep reading to be sure to check out another piece dedicated to dance throughout history.
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These teen boys did such an incredible job putting together that routine and taking us all on a journey through time and dance. But, let’s not stop there! How about some true professional dancers doing the same thing? Oh yeah, it’s pretty magical!
“Watch us dancing through time (Evolution Of Dance) from the 1920s-2000s. Lindy Hop, Charleston, Tap, Rock n Roll, Swing, Disco, Breakdance, Hip Hop and the Viral trends of today. Financial Support provided by Warner Bros,” said Twist and Pulse on their YouTube channel.