Teen wrestler steps up to sing national anthem when there’s no one else who can
Isaac hadn't planned on singing the national anthem for everyone - but he absolutely nailed it.
Jenny Brown

Here’s something to imagine: you’re standing in front of a massive crowd, the U.S. national anthem’s opening notes echoing in your ears.

It’s a song that’s not just a melody, but a symbol, a piece of the American soul.

And those high notes? They’re enough to make even the bravest of us shake in our boots.

Now, picture you’re just 17 years old, a high school junior named Isaac Bryant.

And you weren’t even planning on this moment.

Pixabay - lograstudio
Pixabay - lograstudio

But Isaac wasn’t your average high schooler.

He’s got dreams bigger than the Ohio sky, dreams of becoming a singer.

So, when the chance to sing “The Star-Spangled Banner” at a public event came knocking, he didn’t think twice.

After all, opportunities like this don’t come around every day.

YouTube - WSYX ABC 6
YouTube - WSYX ABC 6

The stage was set at a high school wrestling match at Ohio’s Mechanicsburg High School.

The anthem needed a voice, and there was no one else to step up.

Isaac recalls,

“They needed somebody to sing the national anthem, so I’m like, ‘I’ll do it’.”

With a nudge from a friend, he took the mic and poured his heart out into a performance that left everyone in awe.

“I just sang from the bottom of my heart,” he told ABC 6.

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Facebook - Mia's Photos

Lucky for us, someone hit record.

Isaac’s performance took off like a rocket on Facebook, racking up over a million views.

It’s funny, you never know what’s going to touch people’s hearts, but Isaac’s genuine rendition of the anthem did just that.

“I feel blessed and I really thank God,” Bryant said, “because it is lightning in a bottle, and it doesn’t happen a lot. And I think the reason that it is going viral is because it is real, and people understand it and there’s a lot of people that are in the military.”

Unsplash - Paul Weaver
Unsplash - Paul Weaver

Isaac’s small Ohio town, where he grew up humming along to Hank Williams tunes, was suddenly buzzing with his newfound fame.

News channels were lining up, eager to share the story of the teen who sang the anthem so amazingly.

YouTube - WSYX ABC 6
YouTube - WSYX ABC 6

Not long after his impromptu performance, Isaac’s mom dropped a bombshell.

She told him to pack his bags for a trip to John Glenn International Airport.

“She said you are going to be on Fox & Friends Wednesday morning, and we are leaving tonight,” Bryant shared with ABC 6/FOX 28 News.

YouTube - WSYX ABC 6
YouTube - WSYX ABC 6

This airport trip marked the first time Isaac had ever performed the National Anthem in public, and his solo performance was about to catapult him onto an even bigger stage.

But first, he gave the airport crowd a show to remember.

Strumming a guitar handmade by his grandfather, he left onlookers with a story to share on their flights.

YouTube - WSYX ABC 6
YouTube - WSYX ABC 6

Isaac’s adventure was far from over.

He was later invited to sing the anthem again, this time in Washington D.C., for Medal of Honor recipients.

“At this point this is all a dream come true,” Bryant said about his viral fame.

He was proud that his moment in the spotlight came from singing a song that meant so much to him and his country.

And he had a message for those feeling a bit lost in the current events.

“I love America. If you are losing faith in America, keep the faith,” he said.

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Facebook - Mia's Photos

These days, Isaac is juggling his studies at Ohio State with his pursuit of a career in country music.

His story is a shining example of the magic that can happen when you seize opportunities and pour your heart into what you do.

Check out Isaac’s special performance and an interview with the young star in the videos below!

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Division III District Wrestling Championships@ Troy, Ohio.
The announcer asked if there was anyone who could sing the National Anthem, since they didn’t have one for the night. This young wrestler stepped up and it was awesome!
*Isaac Bryant, Mechanisburg High School

Posted by Mia’s Photos on Friday, March 1, 2019
