Singing and playing an instrument in front of a crowd can be tough to do.
It requires a lot of courage and commitment to get up in front of strangers and be vulnerable.

It’s even harder to do this when the people in the crowd happen to be your high school classmates and peers.
However, that didn’t seem to bother Peyton Littleton from Central Davidson High School in Lexington, North Carolina.

When he heard that the school would be putting on a talent show in the gym, he knew that he would have to enter.
Peyton decided to sing Ed Sheeran’s song, Perfect.
If you didn’t know, Ed Sheeran is a Grammy award-winning singer-songwriter from Great Britain.

He has been pumping out some of the most famous hits from the past decade.
Sheeran did an interview with Zane Lowe, where he talked about writing the song Perfect.
He had this to say:
“I need to do it 100% me, so everyone will listen to that will be like, ‘Ah! He can actually do it!'”
Pixabay Source:Pixabay
And he sure did do it.
The song reached number one on the pop charts and stayed on the charts for 57 weeks.

But Sheeran doesn’t do it all on his own.
In an interview with the New York Times, Benny Blanco–Sheeran’s long-time producer–explains his role in making a hit song.
Blanco says, “I couldn’t sit down and play a concert for you or really wow you on any instrument. What I can do is meet an artist, know what type of song I think we should make, and be their therapist, make everyone feel comfortable.”
Pixabay Source:Pixabay
So when Peyton decided to sing this song for everyone in his high school, he definitely had some big shoes to fill.
However, Peyton doesn’t seem too nervous as he approaches the mic.
He casually walks up, adjusts the mic stand, and starts talking to the crowd.

Remember, these are people that he knows and who know him.
One YouTuber commented, “This is harder than going on the Voice or any other show. This kid has to see his peers everyday.”
Peyton tells everyone what song he is going to sing and tells the crowd that they are welcome to sing along to it if they want.
Because Perfect is such a crowd-pleaser, it was no surprise that the crowd did in fact sing along with him.
He starts to play his guitar and it is immediately apparent that he knows what he is doing–it sounds clean and crisp.
But when Peyton starts to sing, that’s when you know for sure that you are in for a treat.

His voice is smooth and powerful, not unlike Ed Sheeran’s.
The crowd is immediately drawn in and even decides to raise up their phone lights in order to show their satisfaction with what they are hearing.

When he finishes the song, the crowd lets out a vast rawr that echoes throughout the entire gym.

Check out the video below to watch this fantastic Ed Sheeran cover and be sure to share it with a friend!
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