We can all remember how tough it was as a high school student.
The problem with many high school kids is that they desperately want to fit in – and they’ll do whatever it takes to achieve it.

Anything that’s the slightest bit unusual or uncomfortable usually results in laughter, which seems cruel but is usually a sign of discomfort more than anything.
It’s hardly surprising that most kids in high school keep their heads down and don’t reveal their true selves.

Getting up in front of the class to perform, then, is something that most of us wouldn’t have been capable of doing.
If you think you’d be able to go back to high school with twice the confidence you had back then, this video may change your mind.

When a teenage boy takes to the front of his class to sing “Hallelujah”, you can tell he’s got the worst crowd ever.
During the performance, a few people film on phones, with one girl choosing to zoom in on the boy’s face, while others seem distracted or uninterested.

Some of the kids aren’t even looking at him, like one boy, who smirks around the room as if trying to mock the boy’s performance.
That’s just high school for you – but it doesn’t make it right, especially as this lad is incredibly talented.
It takes guts to sing a song like “Hallelujah”, especially as it’s not exactly a “cool” song in this day and age.

Still, anyone who’s old and mature enough can appreciate “Hallelujah” like teenagers can’t.
The song was written and released in 1984 by Canadian singer Leonard Cohen.
There are many interpretations of the song, but for most of us, it’s harrowing; even chilling, and both sad and hopeful at the same time.

Those aren’t the sort of emotions that high school students are likely to embrace in a classroom environment, so it’s hardly surprising that the audience of this kid’s performance is generally trying its hardest to look disinterested.
There must have been at least one decent student who could see the lad’s talent, anyway, or the clip of him singing never would have ended up online.
The video was viewed more than 3 million times, proving that even if his classmates didn’t care, plenty of people did.
What makes this performance extra special is that the boy doesn’t look like the sort who would break out in a gospel rock-and-roll hit.

Wearing a “Ballin” t-shirt and a pair of joggers, he looks more likely to be into Drake and The Weeknd than Leonard Cohen.
But when he opens his mouth to sing, he has the voice of an angel.
It’s completely refreshing to see a high school kid who doesn’t try to be someone he’s not – especially as he obviously isn’t one of the coolest kids in the class.

People who commented beneath the video agreed that the boy had serious talent, with many expressing their annoyance at his disinterested audience.
One person wrote:
“If I was the teacher and I saw kids being disrespectful I would write their name on a paper and make one every day sing the same song that kid did to everyone and see if they would be laughing after that.”
Here, here! It takes so much courage to get up and perform, and his classmates should have shown far more respect.
You can watch the beautiful video of the boy’s classroom performance below!
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