You know how once a year many schools around the country decide to organize a fundraiser to sponsor a non-profit or to build/fix something that their school might need?
Usually, the school staff along with the parents try to collect money by organizing bake sales, luncheons, or shows. These are just a few of the most popular ways to raise the money needed.
Well, the same happened at the Oak Grove Lutheran School when they decided to put together a variety show. Sit tight because one of the school’s performances, a faculty skit to be precise, will blow your mind and make you burst into laughter!

The Oak Grove Lutheran School in Fargo, North Dakota, organized a variety show in 2013 and all the proceeds were donated to the “Fill the Dome” food drive. The faculty and the students gave glorious performances, from skits to dances, in front of their hometown crowd, their friends, and family.

However, the performance that definitely stole the show was a skit performed by some male members of the faculty. They wanted to showcase their “Men’s Synchronized Swimming Team” which they called “SYNC OR SWIM!”. Regardless to say, what the audience had the pleasure to witness was unbelievably hysterical.

The skit is introduced by the variety presenter, and a long piece of blue fabric is set at the background to represent the swimming pool.
One by one, the members of the “Synchronized Swimming Team” walk in the center of the stage, stretching, sending kisses, and greeting their audience exactly as the professional swimmers are used to do.

Soon enough, they exit from the stage only to reappear this time behind the blue fabric, supposedly making them be in the water.
The atmospheric music starts and our talented swimmers begin their synchronized dance in the “water”. Their performance is full of grace and movements that you could see in any “real” show of synchronized swimming.

Their facial expressions and their “elaborate” dancing cause the audience to crack up and this is definitely something that will stay with them long after the show ends. Judging from this skit, we can assume that the variety show night was a success and they were able to contribute to their cause.

The Fill the Dome food drive event has been happening annually in the Fargo-Moorhead area since 2006, and every year the schools and the students try to contribute to the cause which aims to raise awareness and fight hunger.

This is undoubtedly a very noble cause and all the people involved should be proud of their initiative. These are difficult times we live in and it’s really inspiring when communities, and particularly younger people, come together to fight social issues like poverty and hunger. It worth our time and effort even if we manage to raise just a little bit of awareness to the rest of the world.
If you would like to watch the full skit, check out the video below!
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