Being a high school teacher wouldn’t be the easiest job in the world by any means. Along with educating minds, it would be important to find a way to connect with the students who are (deep breath) teenagers.
During a pep assembly at Andress High School in El Paso, Texas – a group of teachers took the floor to do something completely brave…have a dance-off! The stands were filled with a sea of students who would all be watching the battle, which of course, would be judged as well.
Seriously, is anyone else getting the sweats just thinking about it? These teachers deserve some extra-credit that’s for sure!

For the dance-off, there was a specific song the teachers had to bust a move to. And perhaps you already guessed, nobody chose the Macarena or the Electric Slide.
The competition took place when a dance craze called the TZ Anthem Challenge was spreading across the internet. People everywhere were sharing videos of themselves dancing to Zay Hilfigerrr and Zayion McCall’s “Juju On That Beat (TZ Anthem).” But not just any moves would do – there’s a specific set that goes along with the hip hop track.
By no surprise, “Juju On That Beat” was chosen as the song their teachers would battle it out to. Okay, now I’m really sweating.
got some free time on set 🎬👀📽✌🏽️😴lol #tzanthem 🔥 what y’all think? Lol
— Princeton Perez (@princetonperez) August 8, 2016
The Andress High educators were all lined up in the middle of the gymnasium, with several students and the school mascot standing nearby.
It was anybody’s guess who was going to take home the prize. There were both younger and older teachers – as well as males and females.
When “Juju On That Beat” comes blasting through the speakers all the participants jump into action (well, sort of). It’s easy to see that not everyone is comfortable dancing, like the woman on the far left, who paces nervously. The guy next to her is a little more courageous and busts out his best “bee’s knees” dance move.

Then there were three.
It’s obvious the other teachers know a little more about the dance and are waiting for the right moment to really let loose. Once they do – there’s one who immediately stands out from the rest. So, who do you think…the teacher on the left, middle, or right?

Somebody’s been practicing at home.
The woman in the green jacket takes off and starts knocking it out of the park! All the students in the gymnasium scream and go wild for the teacher, who is actually the school’s dance instructor according to the YouTube video title.

As for the other two male teachers, they at least deserve an “A” for effort (and bravery). Some people really liked watching the teacher on the left (in the black shirt).
One person wrote:
“Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear black shirts and dance like no one is watching.”

While some teachers try and act cool, there are others who actually are cool. Going from the crowd’s reaction, it seems like the dance teacher is part of the latter – but earned herself a bunch more cool points that day!
A viewer commented:
“She killed it love seeing everyone have safe fun.”
In the end, it’s pretty obvious the female dance instructor won, and even her colleague holds her arm up high. Ding, ding, ding!

Watch the video below to see all the teachers get down at the pep assembly! Who was your favorite?
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