We all had that one teacher in high school that we just really loved. Unfortunately, we can’t take that teacher with us to all our other classes that we have! One teacher at New Tech Highschool, however, did something pretty memorable that his student will never forget!
We all love listening to Bruno Mars.

Brun Mars is one of those artists that we can’t help but sing along to! Whenever he releases new music, it is always a hit. Well, knowing that, A. Maceo Smith (let’s call him Mr. Smith) decided that he wanted to record something special to the song.
Starting off the video sitting at his desk, we hear the classic beat to Uptown Funk start playing.

Uptown Funk is just one of those songs that you can’t help but get up and dance to! Mr. Smith decides he is going to do just that. Getting up and sliding around, he is about to embark on a dance adventure.
Jumping into the first verse, Mr. Smith dances with the first group of students.

Hitting a little shimmy with his shoulders, Mr. Smith and two of his students have the honor of being the first to dance together in this hilarious performance. Getting low and poppin, Mr. Smith shows he can keep up with his students!
Heading down the hallway, the trio turns into a larger group.

Heading down the hallways and into the pre-chorus, the three are joined by a large dance crew. They all give a jump and a swing, finally hitting the snare drums leading into the next part of the song – the chorus! Mr. Smith takes off running as the next scene approaches!
Hitting a groove with some more students, Mr. Smith is smooth.

One of the smoothest teachers in existence, they hit all the moves, even the Bernie! Once again alone, the cool teacher heads to the next verse and a different part of the school. Joined by students along the way in blue in silver, they climb the stairs and get started on the next piece.
With a build and a “come hither” motion, the group gets low and hops along to the bridge of the song.

With the repetition of the “uptown funk you up, uptown funk you up” playing in the back and bass line bopping, you can’t help but get into the groove. Mr. Smith does a final run and saunters his way to the last flight of stairs.

In possibly the coolest moment ever seen, the entire school joins at the end for a classic stair walk.

With the end of the song in sight, Mr. Smith and Co. step to the beat down the last flight of stairs in the school. As he walks down, he is joined by more and more students as the camera pans out. Soon, we see hundreds of students have joined in and are al dancing to the song together!

Ending in a dance party, the whole school cheers as Mr. Smith points at the camera, the epitome of cool.

The final scene is hilarious and a wonderful way to end the event. Pointing at the camera, they have all accomplished what they set out to do – a hilarious and fun thing that the whole school could join in on.
Check out the video below!
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