You don’t have to be a complete movie buff to know that people love a good underdog story. After all, there are numerous film plots focused around it – from sporting teams to unlikely prom queens. It’s safe to say most of us like to route for the little guy.

When Brett Nichols was 17-years-old and a junior in high school, he had an experience that seemed like it could’ve been created in Hollywood. It involved the annual school talent show, and him completely rocking it like nobody’s business!
However, little did Brett know at the time it was only the beginning of a dream coming true.

Many kids try and imitate their favorite performing artists. But while a lot of times it’s just goofing around – Brett actually learned to dance like Michael Jackson while at home. No, like really dance like him.
At nine-years-old, he started taking dancing more seriously – and at 11 he brought his King of Pop moves to the school talent show.
It wasn’t until years later that he decided to do it again, thanks to his friends’ encouragement.

Just the thought of performing in front of an audience makes some of us want to run and hide. Brett, on the other hand, bravely signed up for the talent show at Pitman High School in Turlock, California.
In front of a sea of his classmates, Brett took the gymnasium floor dressed similar to Michael Jackson. He had on a black suit, hat, sunglasses, and a single glove (which was like icing on the cake). Once the music began he had everyone going wild.

The video below is similar to the ending of a lot of movies. It’s that final scene that gives you chills and has you cheering.
With Michael Jackson’s classic song “Billie Jean” in the background – Brett busts out dancing like he’s channeling the King of Pop himself. It’s a routine full of the artist’s iconic moves.

Brett grabs the microphone and goes into a lip-syncing performance of “Billie Jean” as Jackson’s vocals play through the speakers.
The students scream watching Brett’s fancy footwork and movements that are mirror-like to those of the late musician. The best part though? He doesn’t hold back one bit.

Plus, he completely nails all the signature moves that we grew to love. This kid really did his homework!

Amazingly, Brett seems super-confident dancing in the middle of the gym floor, which he quickly sets on fire!
But as we know, every show needs to have a really good ending. The teenager doesn’t disappoint.

Near the end of his talent show act, Brett throws in the ultimate move and moonwalks across the gymnasium.
By no surprise, the entire room erupts with cheers.

When the teen finishes his performance, he throws his arm into the air and receives the loudest round of applause ever.
It’s a goosebump-inducing moment that normally only happens in films.

Brett won the talent show that day and although you would think it’s the perfect ending to a story – it was only the beginning.
The video of his Michael Jackson performance went mega-viral, sparking the interest of news and entertainment sources, along with people around the world! Brett was given amazing opportunities immediately after. One highlight was that Jackson’s estate reached out and gave him compliments, a CD, and invited him and his family to see the “Michael Jackson ONE” show in Vegas.
Brett told the Turlock Journal:
“It’s really exciting that I’m being recognized by such an iconic family in American history.”
According to Billboard, thanks to Brett’s viral performance, “Billie Jean” even resurfaced on the Hot 100 music chart!

Press play to witness Brett’s performance for for yourself!
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