Being a doctor isn’t easy, and when you are trying to complete a residency, it can be incredibly stressful.
Dr. Elvis Francois and Dr. William Robinson are both orthopedic surgery residents at the Mayo Clinic. They are both working hard to be the best surgeons they can be, and they don’t have a lot of free time. When they find a few minutes, they try to bring some joy to everyone with some music.
William plays the piano, and Elvis sings.
Someone took a video of them performing “Every Little Thing Is Going To Be Alright.” The song is meant to cheer people up when they are worried, and it’s something their patients are very familiar with.
Some of the lyrics to the song are:
“When you’re feeling low
And there’s no one around
When it looks like it’s over
And life’s got you down
Hold on to me brother
I’ll be there when you need
Because there’s a brighter tomorrow…
This I truly believe
Everything is gonna be alright
So, dry those eyes… it’ll be alright”
Elvis shared the video on his Facebook page, along with a message.
He explained that a former mentor had given him an important piece of advice that he thinks about daily. He wrote:
“Before he retired the legendary Dr. Franklin Sim once told me, ‘As a surgeon, it is your responsibility to bear the burden of worry with your patients.’ As healthcare providers, we often meet people at their greatest time of need. And sometimes the best gift you can give is a simple reminder that everything will be alright.”
The video was viewed and shared thousands of times, and eventually, it went viral.
Now, these likable surgeons aren’t only known for their amazing skills in the hospital but their musical talent, as well. The videos received hundreds of comments, and everyone had something good to say about it. The young men had no idea their video would become so popular or that people would respond to it so well.
One comment says:
“Love this. Love Mayo. I recognized the marble floor before I saw the tag… I stared at that floor many hours while in prayer waiting for my husband’s heart surgery to be over. Wonderful place to be when you need excellent care!!”
Another says:
“You have a beautiful voice! Do you sing to your patients before surgery? It would probably help with nerves. You have a God given talent!”
Elvis is such a good singer that many people suggested that he pursue a career in music instead of medicine.
Of course, it’s clear that he has no intentions of doing that. He is completely committed to his career and his patients. If he can sing a little every now and then to help them remember that he is going to take care of them, then that’s just fine with him.
These doctors are on their way to becoming some of the best around, and they have the skills needed to not only help their patients be healthier but also keep them calm and reassure them before any procedures take place. This is just as important as completing the procedure. Anyone who has ever undergone any type of surgery knows how terrifying it can be.
Having a doctor or surgeon who really cares can make a big difference.
The video not only speaks volumes for the surgeons but for the entire Mayo Clinic. This is the kind of place people want to go for treatments. Knowing there are doctors like this working there will make a lot more people seek treatment there.
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