For someone used to singing for a subway station audience, it must be quite strange to suddenly end up on stage in front of a 4,000+ crowd. This was the case for Denise Weeks, who performed for “The X Factor USA” in 2013 while being recorded on camera and being judged by a panel of superstars.
The 41-year-old single mother was used to singing in the New York City subway.
After losing the father of her children, she became dedicated to doing whatever she had to do to earn some money in order to bring food to the table for her two kids. She was struggling financially and used her voice to make ends needs. She had big dreams and always knew that her voice was her best tool to work with.

Subway users had been encouraging her for a couple of years and telling her she should audition for a talent show, so eventually she took the big step and applied to “The X Factor.”
Winning a large competition, such as “The X Factor” could change Denise’s life.
She was able to prove to the audience that she belongs on a bigger stage and that she should be performing for a larger audience that her subway crowd. Denise decided to sing “The Greatest Love of All” by Whitney Houston. The song was originally recorded by George Benson in the late 1970s.

The famous “X Factor” judge Simon Cowell cut her off in the middle of the song.
“You’re rushing,” Simon told Denise. After that, he continued to tell her she was lacking emotion. Denise feared for the worst.
But instead of telling her to leave, he then asked Denise to sing a Capella.
Denise did not disappoint him. She sang the song a Capella and shook the audience with her incredible voice.
The judges could not believe their ears.
Simon was appalled and could not understand how she had not been discovered previously. Kelly Rowland told her that they had basically been waiting for someone like Denise this whole time.

“The X Factor” is an award-winning international phenomenon that is a platform for discovery and opportunity. Denise’s touching performance highlights the ability of music to transcend. You can find great talent anywhere, even in subway stations.
Denise had sacrificed her entire life selflessly to provide for her children.
So, when her children were in college, she knew this was her time. She took a leap of faith, and the results were unimaginable. Denise is an inspiration to follow your dreams; you never know where they make take you.

Today, Denise has released a few songs and has made her way through in the music industry.
Recently, fast-food giant McDonald’s used a song that Denise collaborated on to promote “the New York Bagel Supreme” in the Netherlands. Denise was featured on the song “New York Flavor” by the Artifacts. The fast-food brand decided to fly in a couple of street artists from Brooklyn to design stylized versions of the burger on billboards, and then asked for Denise and the Artifacts to work on the campaign.
The making of the song and the billboards are recorded by McDonald’s, who will then turn it into advertisements for TV. The new song is available not only as a standalone but is also mixed up with the campaign, and they even created a music video.
We wish Denise the best of luck and hope that she will go very far with the incredible voice that she has.
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