Since The Queen’s Gambit began streaming on Netflix, chess sales have skyrocketed, as both new and old players have rekindled their love for the millennium-old game.
As a well-respected game that teaches patience and strategy, the resulting chess craze was a positive outcome from the airing of the show. Online chess sites allowed players to grow and display their talents in a socially distanced way, contributing to even more of the game’s popularity.

Chess is a game that many of us learned to play at a young age, but as the years have gone by, we may have forgotten a thing or two.
Even though our skills may be lacking, we can still appreciate a chess wizard in action.

In Manhattan’s Washington Square Park, one chess master teaches a cocky opponent a lesson in trash-talking, and the resulting match is nothing short of impressive.
Maurice Ashley earned his title of grandmaster in 1999. Since then, Ashley can be found commentating tournaments and teaching his skills to players around the globe. Known for his uplifting personality, Ashley has even gone on to become a motivational speaker and app designer.

After getting hustled a few too many times as a youngster, Ashley decided to hit the streets of New York to hustle the hustlers.
When one street player takes badmouthing a bit too far, Ashley begins slyly showcasing his own chess talents. We bet this street player never imagined he’d come out on the losing end.

This is one heated game! In addition to his strategic moves, Ashley moves the board pieces around at a rapid speed.
He doesn’t even need to look at the board!
We can’t help but wonder how many matches someone has to play before they can move pieces without a second thought or a second glance. He is one fierce competitor!

As the game progresses, the street player slowly begins to realize that this match may be a bit more challenging than previously expected.
He begins to slow his pace while even attempting to cheat!
But he’s messing with the wrong guy, this grandmaster knows exactly where each of his game pieces should be. Ashley instantly calls the man out, warning him not to try anymore “trickery.” Since the game is being filmed, the street competitor admits his mistake while continuing to play a tough match.

Just three minutes into the game, the street player begins to realize that his skills may be overpowered. A loss appears to be gaining on his horizon.
A few more moves and it’s checkmate! Ashley has taken the man’s king. The game is over!

Street players getting outplayed isn’t an all too common occurrence, but Ashley taught this cocky competitor a lesson in both strategy and honesty.
He’s not a sore winner, though. The men shake hands while the street player asks Ashley if he’s a rated player.
Ashley confesses that he’s not just rated, but that he’s actually a chess grandmaster!
Hopefully, that street player’s reputation didn’t crumble too much. It’s not every day a grandmaster makes an appearance on the streets of New York City looking for a little friendly competition.

To view Grandmaster Maurice Ashley’s triumphant hustle, be sure to click play on the video player below!
You’ll be breaking out your old chess set in no time!
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