Clog dancing has often been confused with tap dancing. But watch them both closely and you will notice the differences. Clog and tap were introduced by the Europeans some time in the 1700’s. Tap is from the city while clog is from the mountains.
NYC helped develop tap dancing and as such became super popular in show business. Think Fred Astaire. Tap has the glitz and glamour for sure. Clogging took more time to develop.

Tap is intricate while clog uses more power.
These girls are Stole Power. What they’ve done is taken clog dancing, which took more time to get famous, and turned the dial up to maximum intensity. This is so good!

It is still clog at its core but check out those dance moves. The girls throw in a bit of hip-hop. pop, and soul in to their performance but it’s the energy of the dance that grabs attention!
They start of in a line but as they break formation, the seven girls strike different poses for a few seconds before spreading out on stage clogging with high intensity. Almost like they had one too many energy drinks.

It’s a lot of vertical movements as they bounce on their heels.
Stole Power throws in a few small kicks and spins as they execute multiple formations on stage. It’s similar to Irish hard shoe dancing except with way more edge. This is the modern twist of traditional clogging for sure!

And to think clogging was only meant to warm up bored workers in old cold industrial towns.
This is not warming up. These ladies are on fire! If you’ve seen those dance offs in random streets by kids then you’ll notice some of those routines in this one. It’s a mixture of traditional laced with culture infused with modern flair.

Even the music isn’t something you would normally associate with clog. But these girls made it work. They twist and spin, shake their hips and throw their arms up and out to the beat and the audience loves it!
They say that tap dances to the rhythm and the melody while clog follows the beat.

Watch them closely and count along to the beat. It does seem that way. This is clogging taken to the next level though. There are many variations of the dance depending on one’s taste and skill level.

It is truly amazing when you think of the fact that these girls spent so many hours and days for practice just to get this right. Their dedication shows in the dance. And with the way they move, it’s clear that they love every single moment.
The girls are in great shape. They need to be if they plan on pulling off performances like these on a regular basis. Let’s hope they put on more incredible dance videos too! Clogging has never looked so good!

Check out the girls of Stole Power clog dance in the video below!
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