If there is a musician who deserves an awesome tribute flash mob, it’s the King of Pop, the late Michael Jackson.
Michael Jackson’s music has influenced many artists and several genres, making him an unforgettable artist in the history of pop music. The man was famous worldwide from Scandinavia to Australia, from the United States to Asia.

It comes as no surprise to see Swedes jamming to some of his greatest hits.
We’re about to show you a Michael Jackson-inspired flash mob from Stockholm. Enjoy!
“Beat It” bringing everyone together.

From the first second of the video, you can see that there are so many people involved in this flash mob.
More than 300 dancers, to be more precise. They all gathered in the streets of Stockholm on a warm July day in 2009 around 3:30 pm, and the idea came from a Swedish street dance company called Bounce. Since they didn’t have enough performers, it eventually opened up for anyone who wanted to participate.

As we’ve learned from the video description, people came together, learned the choreography in less than 30 minutes and then went on to perform it.
Judging by their moves, you would have never guessed it all happened so quickly! Isn’t it curious to see how much we are capable of if there is enough motivation? As soon as we heard the familiar sound of “Beat It,” we knew we were in for a pleasant surprise. It’s touching to see how much Europe loves Michael Jackson!
In all, it was a beautiful way to keep Jackson’s legacy alive.

There are hundreds of people in the video, including dancers and the audience.
The thing that will impress you is that everyone seems to be having so much fun! People are randomly joining in, cheering, dancing, jumping and laughing. You can hear people singing the song in the background. The recording is genuine, raw and very emotional. We have to warn you—you’ll probably cry and smile at the same time! Even so, you’ll be in a good mood as the video goes on. There are two parts in one recording.

First, you can see the crew dancing in the square in the afternoon in broad daylight.
After that, it switches to a darker ambiance in what looks like evening. All those people danced for hours all over Stockholm. If that’s not impressive, then what is? If you fell in love with their choreography, be sure to check their official website to see more. There, you can find much more information about the group and the upcoming plans and events.
We could use more of this type of spontaneous exercises of freedom and love!

The tribute is huge—one of the greatest we’ve seen so far.
It’s the way it should be, considering it’s dedicated to one of the greatest souls ever lived. The video represents the power of one man with an incredible voice and smooth dance moves. You have the illustration of the power of music right in front of your eyes. The flash mob was done more than ten years ago, but it’s timeless—just like Michael Jackson’s music.

Millions of fans still know every song MJ ever did by heart.
The video was viewed more than 26 million times on YouTube, and the comments section will make you cry. This is probably one of the most emotional videos we’ve seen in a while, and it’s so good at the same time! We can only add that Michael Jackson will forever be remembered as a music icon, just as he deserves to be.
Check out the full performance in the link below:
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