If you spend much time on the internet, you’re bound to see a ton of performances you probably wouldn’t otherwise.
In our local town, maybe there are a few bands or local acts that everybody knows about, but you have to travel far out to get anything different or new.

On the other hand, if you live in a big city, chances are you’re more familiar with seeing street performers on the corner or other talented musicians coming to play at local venues.
Even so, there’s an entirely different set of talents and performers in other parts of the world.

For more evidence of this, just consider this performance of a street performer from Zaragoza, Spain.
Like any other big city, Zaragoza sees all kinds of different performers coming through on a month to month basis.

With the advent of the internet, people can film these performances and they can gain a life of their own online. That was definitely the case in the video of one unnamed performer who did something few people can.
Believe it or not, he was able to play a drum melody while juggling at the same time.

As the video begins, an older man can be seen standing in front of a drum kit juggling his drumsticks.
He’s standing in front of a bass drum and two cymbals while the floor toms sit in a little kit further away from him, though within throwing distance.

As he juggles them, he plays a few notes on the bass drum. A moment later, he starts throwing the drumsticks at the floor toms and having them bounce back at him, catching them each time. In the meantime, he’s still playing the bass drum and even accenting it all with the cymbals.
Still, what’s most incredible of all is that the song actually sounds like a real song!

After doing this for several minutes, the performer throws his sticks down and walks away from the kit.
When it’s all over, it’s clear he’s exhausted from all the coordination and effort required—and the crowd gives him a huge round of applause. Though nobody has identified the performer in the video, the performance has been written about all over the internet.

Some of the coverage includes articles in the Telegraph, as well a branded video with The Quint as well. Though everyone has seen at least a few buskers in their day, usually they’re standing on the corner and singing or playing guitar.
It’s rare to see someone so multi-talented and so incredibly coordinated!

While it may go without saying, making a living as a street performer is definitely a challenge.
To stand out, you need to be musically talented and have a tough skin—but you also need to bring something unique to your performances. Although the song that this man plays is relatively simple, the way he plays it is unlike anything most people have ever seen!

Unfortunately, there are no tags or ways to identify him to give him more support… at least that we know of. If you enjoyed this video, spread the word and see if we can identify this mystery man.
Special thanks to this ingenious performer! Be sure to check out the full video in the link below:
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