Flash mobs bring a lot of joy to people who happen to witness them.
There are so many of these performances online that it feels like the flash mob practice has been there forever! Still, we genuinely believe that it should happen as often as possible—at any place that allows the artist to express themselves and surprise people.

Central Station is such a place, and we’re about to show you how it was done in Antwerp, Belgium.
More than 200 artists participated, making this video an absolute delight to watch.
With just two rehearsals behind them, these people created an amazing stunt.

The fantastic four minutes of the video is a result of a hard work of more than 200 performers.
The aim was to do a promotional stunt for a Belgian television program, that they were looking for someone to play the leading role in The Sound of Music.

Preparation met an opportunity on March 23rd, 2009 at 8 am.
You can only imagine all those people who were surprised by such an amazing show at the early hour! We bet that everyone woke up instantly. It’s complete luck to have an opportunity to see such a performance live.

It is stated in the description box that the crew needed only two rehearsals to put it all together.
They must be skillful because the results are awesome—you would never know they had only practiced twice!

It’s simply outstanding to see the show develop.
It begins with people passing by, minding their business and preparing for another day. Then you hear music, and a pleasant voice is blasting from all speakers: “The first three notes just happen to be: do, re, mi.”

Now everyone recognizes the song, and you can see it in people’s faces that they are beginning to understand what it’s all about.
As the song progresses, dancers emerge from all over the station and deliver an excellent choreography. There is no age limit—you can see the young and the old all dancing together.

You can see the level of joy has skyrocketed, and everyone is smiling.
That’s why we think this would be an ideal way to protest worldwide. And people already seem to agree with us. Have you seen all those fantastic flash mobs at protests in Australia, China and in the United States? Be sure to check them out. They are bold, brave, and very inspirational.

Everyone at the station stopped.
People are standing around, watching and smiling. You can see people who randomly start to dance. They’ve felt the rhythm, and it’s a striking example of the fact that everyone feels the music.

The moment we loved the most is when an old lady flashed the biggest smile ever as she saw more young dancers coming down the stairs.
You can almost see tears coming to her eyes. If things like this were done every day around the world, a lot of people would have a constant reminder of fun, laughter and life.
It’s hard to find the right words to express the joy it brings!

More than 35 million people have seen the video on YouTube.
It’s simple: you see something beautiful, and you instantly feel a bit better.

We would love to see performances like this one more often!
After all, you just can’t get bored with music and dancing.
Check out the full performance in the link below:
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