Dozens of soldiers bust out funny line dance that’s capturing attention
Their "Matrix" move cracked me up.;)
Alissa Gaskell

A mentally and physically trying profession doesn’t mean you can’t let loose and have fun every now and then.

Of course, this is for when you’ve clocked out or when there aren’t clauses in the company handbook that prohibits it.

For instance, nurses trying to nail the latest TikTok trend in an empty hospital corridor or teachers breaking out in dance with their students after the final bell has rung.

Pexels - Ron Lach
Pexels - Ron Lach

After all, all work and no play will eventually take its toll on you.

Fortunately, there are bosses who understand just how essential enjoyment and relaxation are.

Some of them even join in on the fun!

More than being able to unwind from the demands of work, having fun with teammates is also known to improve teamwork and increase job satisfaction.

Pexels - Alexander Suhorucov
Pexels - Alexander Suhorucov

It’s a win-win situation, really.

A calm, fun, and relaxed work environment encourages collaboration and camaraderie and positively impacts the well-being of everyone on the team, too.

Pexels - Alexander Suhorucov
Pexels - Alexander Suhorucov

Still not convinced? Watch these soldiers have some fun!

These soldiers, lined up in three rows, seem serious and dignified.

But don’t let that fool you.

Once their feet begin moving, the clapping follows. Standing nearby is another man in uniform, all set to lead them through what seems to be standard military cadence.

YouTube Screenshot - evomenthe
YouTube Screenshot - evomenthe

He gives the first command to the soldiers moving in rhythm.

“You’re dynamite, you’re fit to fight, now let me see you lean to the left!” shouted the caller.

Still in sync, the soldiers all lean to the left.

A loud “Whoop!” is heard, and the soldiers follow with their right, then both sides.

Not what you would typically expect to see from soldiers in formation!

YouTube Screenshot - evomenthe
YouTube Screenshot - evomenthe

Who would’ve thought military cadences could be this fun?

As written on the website of the US Army, cadences were initially established to keep soldiers inspired and motivated.

It requires stepping in time and aims to foster cohesive company while upholding the rich traditions of the US Army.

Not only that, cadences are known to help strengthen and control soldiers’ breathing during challenging marches and runs, too.

YouTube Screenshot - evomenthe
YouTube Screenshot - evomenthe

Different yet effectively upholding tradition, this approach definitely caught the attention of many.

Comments under the video were all positive.

One user wrote, “I haven’t served, but I come from a military family. I think that was funny! Live a little when you can.”

Another added, “I think it’s pretty awesome that our soldiers can have fun as well. I’m sure they know when it’s time to get down to business.”

YouTube Screenshot - evomenthe
YouTube Screenshot - evomenthe

They sure got that right!

The tremendous responsibility on their shoulders definitely merits them a little fun every now and then.

Even their concept of fun involves discipline!

Imagine strategizing to create a video for the enjoyment of everyone – a video that still highlights the value of military cadence and working together.

Now that’s admirable. Whoever came up with this sure knows how to pull everyone together!

YouTube Screenshot - evomenthe
YouTube Screenshot - evomenthe

You’ll definitely be smiling when you watch the video below!

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