Couple’s “slow” Boogie Woogie so enthralling scores over 3 million views
I've never seen the "Boogie Woogie" like this before, love it.
Eduardo Gaskell

You’ve probably seen boogie woogie dancing, with its high energy footwork and spins, but have you seen one done to a slower pace?

And we don’t mean slow as in boring because boogie woogie danced slow looks really good apparently.

Check out these dancers if you don’t believe us.

YouTube Screenshot-Boogie Feet
YouTube Screenshot-Boogie Feet

Nils and Bianca slow it down just right but what we’re left with is a sexier, smoother outcome of the dance.

Originally inspired by American Rock ‘n’ Roll/Lindy Hop dancing of the 1950s, the dance gradually developed its own European style and personality.

Today, boogie woogie is a playful and improvised couple dance, often performed in medium or a slightly faster tempo.

It’s significant footwork is often based on musical interpretation.

YouTube Screenshot-Boogie Feet
YouTube Screenshot-Boogie Feet

It functions today as a social dance, but is also recognized even more as an established competition dance.

There are records of this dance being created and performed in African-American communities all the way back in the 1870s!

It’s come a long way and it looks like the dance is here to stay, especially with talented dancers like these two.

YouTube Screenshot-Boogie Feet
YouTube Screenshot-Boogie Feet

Nils and Bianca are at the Boogie Woogie Nordic Championship and World Cup 2023 in Drammen, Norway.

That just goes to show you how popular the dance has become. It’s gotten global with competitions almost everywhere you look.

It’s also cute to see these two dressed like their grandparents.

Grandparents who probably danced the night away just like they’re doing.

YouTube Screenshot-Boogie Feet
YouTube Screenshot-Boogie Feet

Check out their footwork to get an idea of what boogie woogie dancing is, and just how impressive and fun it actually is.

His pants are practically up to his chest, held by suspenders and accentuated with a tie.

That’s a great look to go along with the dance!

Bianca looks lovely and very feminine, a look sure to catch the eyes of the men in attendance as she shuffles and spins about.

YouTube Screenshot-Boogie Feet
YouTube Screenshot-Boogie Feet

Here’s the best part for all of you interested.

Boogie woogie is a social dance “designed” to be as simple and as easy to learn once you get into it.

You won’t really need to take classes or spend several hours a week before learning the basic moves.

YouTube Screenshot-Boogie Feet
YouTube Screenshot-Boogie Feet

If you’ve got the heart for it and you can pick up the rhythm, then chances are you’ll become a fantastic dancer like these two.

Nils and Bianca do have a few fancy moves they throw in for the sake of judging points.

His quick shuffling, jump, and spin, plus her hip swaying and that sultry smile are great combos to pull off!

YouTube Screenshot-Boogie Feet
YouTube Screenshot-Boogie Feet

Even their viewers are loving it, with one commenting,

“Astonishing dance movements and I love both of them for sure! Thanks much for sharing.”

Very cool!

YouTube Screenshot-Boogie Feet
YouTube Screenshot-Boogie Feet

Another benefit of this slower paced dance is you can study it and try to follow along in the comfort of your own home.

Basic boogie woogie lessons for free, and you’re learning from some of the best in the industry!

You’ll be watching these two again and again.

Check out Nils and Bianca’s fun-tastic dance in the video below!

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