Without realizing it, we often carry around stereotypes about other people.
Even when we don’t them, we judge others and assume they can only do certain things. Other times, people do things that completely change our perspective.

If there’s a lesson in this video, it’s that we should never judge a book by its cover.

As the video begins, a skateboarder walks up to a public piano.
Nobody is expecting much, but all of a sudden, he starts playing a song that requires a lot of skill. As it turns out, it’s the theme song from Schindler’s List! The music was originally composed and conducted by John Williams, and it’s one of the most recognized contemporary soundtracks. In fact, the movie’s soundtrack won the Academy Award for Best Original Score.

In case you now think you have to wear a tuxedo or be on a big stage to play piano, this performance will prove you wrong.
Here we have a mall with a public piano, and a man wearing a hoodie walks through the crowd. As soon as he starts playing, he amazes everyone. This is an excellent lesson about the most important values in life. It’s not about the appearance, it’s about the knowledge and the skills you possess.

Once his fingers began to dance on the ivory and beautiful sounds fill the space, no one was concentrated on how he looked.
People stopped by to hear him play, and the way he was dressed didn’t matter at all!

We’re all aware of the recent problems regarding pandemic and coronavirus.
We’re being constantly reminded of the importance of social distancing, and it feels like performances like this one just aren’t happening in public anymore. Although this was filmed and posted in December 2019, it feels like ages ago. We are all hoping to overcome the current situation to be able to enjoy such perfect public performances again.

The way this man plays brings a tear to the eye.
His talent is undeniable, and this will probably end up being one of the best videos you’ve seen in a while.
As it turns out, the man in the video isn’t a skater at all—he’s actually a professional piano player in disguise.

Let’s make one thing clear: it’s a clever disguise, and we’re not going to let the fact that he’s not a skater take away a tiny bit from his talent.
The man calls himself The Piano Phantom, and he has 123,000 YouTube subscribers.

He describes himself as the undercover pianist who leaves an impression, but no trace.
In case you’re interested to know more about this talented individual, be sure to check him out on his official website.

One thing that has made us reflect is the writing on piano phantom’s website: ”Don’t be. Become.”
We should all take his advice and work on becoming the person we strive to be. What we wear in the process makes no difference at all—whether it’s a hoodie or a suit. It’s what’s inside that matters the most!

People obviously love what this performer does, and they enjoy the mystique behind his act.
The man appears, plays the piano perfectly, then gets lost in the crowd. There’s definitely something intriguing about that concept! Since it was posted, 10 million YouTube viewers seem to agree as well.

Undercover or not, the man should continue performing—his audience deserves it!
Check out the full video by clicking the link below:
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