A video taken by an audience member – a complete stranger, no less – of a little girl performing an Irish dance at a community picnic has racked up over 740,000 views over the last decade.
While the little girl’s parents – Melissa and Craig Slack – have weighed in to update fans and thank commenters for compliments, we’re not entirely sure which of their three daughters is in the video. But it hardly matters.
Even the subject has thanked everyone, though she’s gone under a pseudonym.
But it’s safe to say they’re pleased with the attention the video has brought, at the very least to Irish dance.
Of course, while it began in Ireland, traditional Irish dance spread throughout the world in the mid-1990s with a phenomenon called Riverdance. Since then, kids and adults alike have had lessons available to them.
This particular 6-year-old seems advanced beyond her years and kids dance videos are always popular on YouTube. According to the caption, she was a student of Canada’s Irish Dance Academy in British Colombia, performing at the annual community picnic at Thompson Community Centre in Richmond, BC, Canada.
The little girl’s costume is just as elaborate as her dancing skills and she’s performing a solo. That usually means we’re in for something special.
With her arms straight and upper body rigid (a characteristic of Irish dance), she proceeds to demonstrate two different dances – first the Irish reel, then the Irish jig.
One appears to be more pattern-based (that is, she appears to be dancing in a pattern around the stage) and the other, the jig, concentrates on more fancy footwork.
Whether the filmer got to know the family over the years or found the information elsewhere, he was able to update viewers more recently with the following information:
“This amazing dancer is 11 years old now and has qualified for the 2016 Irish Dancing World Championship. She previously took part in the 2013 North American Irish Dance Championship held from July 3 to July 7 and came 39th out of 129 contestants. She also competed in the Western Canadian Championship in November 2013.”
It always feels great to know that kids with such talent go on to pursue the things they’re so good at and thrive in those activities.
Mom Melissa Stack made a comment confirming the update along with a request to keep sharing the video:
“This is my daughter, this was taken the day after her 6th birthday. She is now 11, and I’m so proud to share that she has just qualified for the Irish Dancing WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP!”
The dancer herself, whose handle is “Irishdancer32,” but who has no other dance videos posted also commented:
“(Yes that’s me in the video) Thxs for all the nice comments!!”
It appears there’s been one video posted with all 3 Slack girls dancing in their kitchen – and it sure looks like a fun household!
Finally, Craig Slack, Irishdancer32’s dad gave an update:
“UPDATE*** She’s again qualified and will competing in the World Championships! She continues doing what she loves and works so hard at it! Thank you all for your positive comments!”
Good for her!
We can only imagine that both training and competing were interrupted by COVID-19. Undoubtedly it’s interrupted the progress of many a dancer around the world (and anyone undergoing training built on other skills).
Dancers who come out of this year to perform once again will have to show strong resolve. Then again, it’s likely given people time to reassess if it’s something they really love.
There’s no doubt that if you love Irish dance, you’ll enjoy watching this tiny dancer leap across the stage.
Be sure to scroll down below to see her wonderful performance!
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