Brother and sister dazzle the crowd with ‘Footloose’ boogie-woogie dance
I was hooked on their every move - they're amazing together.
Luis Gaskell

Not all couple dances are romantic.

Sometimes, the goal really is to just have a 2nd person matching your moves.

That’s why some pairs are made of siblings!

And this brother and sister dance pair can tear up the dance floor just as good as any dancing pair.

YouTube Screenshot - RockThatSwing
YouTube Screenshot - RockThatSwing

Meet Grzegorz & Agnieszka, a Polish brother and sister duo with over 20 years of dancing experience.

Their exceptional skills eventually landed them jobs as dance teachers for Lindy Hop and Boogie Woogie.

But just how hard can these two boogie?

Well, they’ve got a new performance to show for it, so let’s let the dancing do the talk.

YouTube Screenshot - RockThatSwing
YouTube Screenshot - RockThatSwing

Grzegorz and Agniseszka’s song of choice is Kenny Loggins’ “Footloose.”

Kevin Bacon’s dancing in the Footloose film was pretty darn smooth, so these two have big shoes to fill.

We needn’t worry though. When the song’s played, the pair let loose and show just how much boogie they’ve got in their bodies.

YouTube Screenshot - RockThatSwing
YouTube Screenshot - RockThatSwing

Of course, they start off slow. The Kenny Loggins song has a bit of a build-up at the start, as we all know.

But even with the slow start, Grzegorz and Agniseszka’s feet are already showing how precise and light they really are.

Their faces are pretty expressive the whole time too.

One look and you can tell they’re having a grand old time dancing.

YouTube Screenshot - RockThatSwing
YouTube Screenshot - RockThatSwing

They’ve got a few surprises for the audience, though.

That swing and boogie they’ve been showing off isn’t the only thing they’re gonna spoil us with.

And the first of these stage surprises is Grzegorz taking his jacket off to reveal a brighter suit underneath – and this got him some cheers, obviously.

YouTube Screenshot - RockThatSwing
YouTube Screenshot - RockThatSwing

If you ever wish you could dance like this, then this very same festival could be your chance.

Assuming you can attend its yearly schedule, of course.

The Rock That Swing Festival isn’t just a place for experienced dancers to showcase their skills.

It’s also a place for would-be dancers to get started!

Dancing isn’t the only profession that the siblings live on.

They used the success and publicity from their dancing to jumpstart a dance club that also serves as an ice cream parlor and a cafe.

Sounds like the coolest place you’d ever get to hang in, assuming you live near Warsaw, Poland.

Hey, there’s an idea for the Polish readers and viewers out there!

Facebook - Grzegorz and Agnieszka
Facebook - Grzegorz and Agnieszka

You don’t get as good as these two without putting in the practice, you know?

And speaking of which, check out the next move they’re about to surprise us with.

Agniseszka lets off the ground and has her brother suspend her midair with nothing but a large strap of fabric.

Then he gives her a roundabout spin to get another loud cheer from the audience.

YouTube Screenshot - RockThatSwing
YouTube Screenshot - RockThatSwing

And to wrap things up, they dance their hearts out with the energy and footwork you only get from decades of dancing.

What a show!

YouTube Screenshot - RockThatSwing
YouTube Screenshot - RockThatSwing

Watch the full video below to see them grace the floor with their incredible dancing!

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