Ever been so in to the feeling that nothing and no one could stop you? Like maybe you’re playing your favorite sport and you are really having a heck of a game, or feeling good with the music you’re writing that you refuse invitations to hang out, or perhaps feeling extra strong in the gym that you load up with more weight… You get it. The zone.

It happens. You’re feeling it and you just want to keep on going without a care in the world if something odd happens. The show must go on.

That’s what happened to Sam West.
He was dancing with Leslie Jennings, and having a blast at it, when his glasses just fell off.
He played it so cool you wouldn’t even notice it until that guy in the front just crawls over to pick it up not wanting Sam or Leslie to crush it with their awesome footwork. It is the Shag after all!

Born on the beaches of South Carolina, it is a quick yet smooth dance that originated in the 1940s when people twirled and stepped to “beach music”.
It is a product of its time and has been described as a,
“Cold beer on a warm night with a hot date and no plans for tomorrow”.

The dance has risen in popularity, and while it may have flowed in and out of the scene over the decades, it has remained alive thanks to the efforts of groups and organizations who have dedicated so much of their time in preserving this cultural gem.
Shag legends like Sam West have certainly been instrumental in influencing younger generations in to learning the Shag.
He enjoyed the popular sports as a youngster but started learning the Shag at the age of 9 becauase of his mother. He is a 7 time champion of the Carolina Shag Division and a 3 time US Open Shag Champion, and many many more. The man is incredible.

The dance is trademark Sam.
Smooth shuffles, even smoother spins, a hint of comedy here and there, all while pulling out something special for the audience. Now you might think that glasses don’t really matter when dancing. Think again.
When one loses his sense of vision, perceptions of distance and timing change drastically. If you wear glasses, take them off while driving. If you don’t wear glasses, cover one eye WHILE driving. See what I mean?

Not Sam the man though.
He even uses a smooth dance kick to move his glasses away from him for fear of he or Leslie stepping on it. He did it so coolly it’s ridiculous. Sam is the “cold beer” part of the famous description for the dance.

It has to be said that Sam is a man of an older age. Don’t let that fool you. He moves so much better than many younger men. His footwork is deceptively quick, his coordination and control out of this world. And for some reason, Sam can seemingly unhinge or detach his hips for some crazy looking stretches on the floor.
Well the dance and the music aren’t over yet but already they’re getting a standing ovation. It was that good. Sam even starts to walk off until that guy calls his attention to hand his glasses back to him. That’s how cool Sam is.

Keep your eye on Sam here. He tends to make people see double with his sick moves. Just like in the video below!
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Source: Sam and Lisa, YouTube, Southern Living