Music is an oddly important part of human experience. It isn’t exactly necessary for our survival, but it’s been a means to socialize since the dawn of time! And we are of course very social creatures!
Music is also, at its basest level, patterns and math. Humans as a species have an odd way of having memories, feelings and even muscle movements.
We get a really great example of music’s long term effect on a person in this video!

The video opens with an elderly gentleman sitting at a public piano, playing a beautiful classical melody. He’s clearly been studying piano for some time, his skills shine through his playing!
It’s really beautiful to see the older man enjoying playing so much!
Whether the young man watching him is a grandson or a passerby is unclear, but I like to think the music attracted him.
But this piano is a public piano which can only mean one thing…
Famed English pianist, Brendan Kavanagh can’t be too far away!
Kavanagh appears in the frame and does what he does best…
He jumps right in beside the elderly man and simply starts playing along with him!
My man’s face up above tells me this was not chill…
But he warms up pretty quickly once he hears Kavanagh’s skills!
And Kavanagh of course didn’t hold back! He eased in a little bit by playing a simply melody with just a few fingers, tickling the ivories, if you will.
But soon enough, Kavanagh’s hands naturally found themselves playing boogie-woogie!
It’s his signature trait as a pianist, and his specialty as a teacher!
Of course, as the two continue to play and heat up,
a pretty sizeable crowd begins to crowd around the two players!
People simply can’t stay away from the boppy music and incredible piano playing!
The crowd has no idea what a treat they’re in for!
Kavanagh is only getting started, and the elderly man still has a few tricks up his sleeve!
Kavanagh being… Well, himself, always likes to keep it cheeky and gives the camera a little grin.
Kavanagh’s life is all about playing piano. It’s way more than just a full time job for him,
he lives to play, it’s Dr. K’s passion!
Taking a scroll through his instagram or Facebook proves my point!
You really have to hand it to our friend who suddenly found himself in a fast paced duet! He’s really rolling with the waves and keeping up, making sure to take full advantage of this opportunity!
He even invites Kavanagh to come and sit on his opposite side so they could try switching places!
And of course, Kavanagh humbly accepts!
The change in seating is where you really see the muscle memory from decades of playing piano kick in for our white haired friend!
The elderly man’s hand is moving lightning fast, and with fine precision!
The crowd is amazed and more and more phones can be seen coming out to record!

There’s more playing to be heard and, as always, Kavanagh has some words of wisdom and interesting conversation to share with his impromptu student!
To see the rest of the video and hear the great music, you can watch the video below! I highly recommend it, Brendan is a great teacher and very charming in his passion for boogie-woogie!
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