A lot of people love to watch skaters perform. Even when routines are tough, many of them make it look so easy. There are thousands of people who ice skate professionally. And while they’re all good, there are always a few that stand out. That’s the case with one young girl who made a lasting impression with her fiery performance.
Elena Radionova
That’s the girl’s name. And in 2016, she did what seemed like the impossible when participating in All That Skate. Dressed as a schoolgirl, complete with a red plaid skirt, white blouse, red tie, and her hair pulled into a ponytail, people were shocked and thrilled by her unbelievable talent on the ice.

Not convinced?
Well, check this out. After her performance was uploaded to social media, it quickly went viral. We’re not talking about a little bit viral. Rather, 26 million views and counting viral. That’s how good she was.

A perfect song
For Elena’s performance, she chose the song “Worth It” by Fifth Harmony. For this particular routine, it was perfect. As she skated through the number, every move was beautifully synchronized.

The show began
When Elena first skated onto the ice, she was wearing a tan trench coat, a red-colored hat, and slung over her shoulders, a schoolgirl-like backpack. Behind her was a massive screenshot of her as a skater dressed in a stunning red costume. She looked at it for a few seconds before going into her routine.

Getting down with the music
As soon as the song began to play, the background changed to what appeared to be a busy street in a downtown area. It was at that time when Elena’s demeanor also changed. She looked upbeat, happy, and vibrant.

Ringing school bell
The next thing you hear is a school bell ringing loudly. Elena made her way to the side of the rink. Once the sound stopped, she headed full speed into the center of the ice. That’s when you hear the audience go wild.

Copping an attitude
While dancing to the words, “Baby, I’m worth it,” she removed the backpack, hat, and coat, throwing them on the ice. Again, the crowd cheered. She did a few more dance moves before switching gears into her skating routine.

Strutting her stuff
With confidence, she made her way around the ice, pulling off some pretty impressive moves. There’s no question that this girl was and still is an amazing performer. Everything she did during the show was flawless and seemingly, effortless.

Fantastic tricks
Throughout the number, Elena pulled off some incredible jumps and spins. The entire time, she maintained a high level of energy, even though you know she did a lot of things that required physical strength and stamina. Right along with the audience, she was having a blast.

Playing it up
One of the many cool things about Elena’s number was that she engaged with the crowd. Several times, she skated to the side of the rink and looked directly at the people cheering her on. As you can imagine, they loved it.

Staying in character
The other thing that made Elena’s routine so special was that she never broke character. Whether dancing or doing hard spins, she continued to be the schoolgirl. People who came for her and other skaters were treated to a fantastic show. This was one they’ll probably never forget.

If you want to watch Elena perform, we invite you to click on the video below. She’s a joy to watch.
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