Even if you’re not a parent, there’s a good chance you’ve heard of Baby Shark. Originally, this song was either a chant or one sung by a campfire. Although not confirmed, some people think the craze started when camp counselors came up with a cute song inspired by none other than “Jaws.”
Regardless of its origin, it didn’t take long for it to take off. Quickly, the Baby Shark song was recorded by multiple artists. Eventually, various companies began trademarking related merchandise. Today, just about every small child knows the words. And watching them sing along is both sweet and hysterical.
There are moves, too
Of course, no kid can sing the Baby Shark song without making the appropriate hand gestures. Cupping their tiny hands to resemble a shark’s body, they wiggle them back and forth. That creates the appearance of a shark swimming in water. There’s even a Baby Shark dance.

Just for kids?
The Baby Shark song continues to fill homes with a very distinct sound. But adults soon got in on the fun. That includes a school band that decided to do something unique.

Not one but 10
This band could’ve played a single version of the Baby Shark song but that wouldn’t be much fun. So, they decided to play it in not one but 10 different styles. If you think about it, that’s harder than it sounds.

But they nailed every one
The band members started with Pop. For this genre, the horns were the dominant instrument. As they played trumpets, a tuba, and a trombone, they’re bodies sway from side to side. You can tell they’re having a lot of fun.

Moving on to Funk and Marching Band
Next, they play the Baby Shark song with Funk flair. The guy on the tuba takes the lead while wearing cool shades. Then, they switch to the marching band style. Not only are the members of this school band incredibly talented and versatile but also funny.

But wait…there’s more
After completing the last two sets, the band continues with Trap, Polka, and Salsa. During the Polka performance, the tuba player switches to an accordion. This creates a genuine Polka sound.

So much talent
Throughout the video, which has now racked up more than 1.3 million views, they get into the Baby Shark spirit by wearing different costumes and adding props. But by now, the percussionist is wearing a shark costume, the female trumpet player has shark fins on her shoulders, and the clarinetist has donned a shark mask.

They’re not finished yet
Nope. They still have several music styles to go before they’re done. The next one up is the Baby Shark movie soundtrack. Viewers can see the female trumpet player is now using a French Horn. Not everyone can play multiple instruments to perfection…but these kids can.

The finale
The band then moves into the final three sets…Classical, Swing, and Jazz. Although they’re having a blast, it’s easy to see they take their craft very seriously. Regardless of the genre, they don’t miss a beat…well, kind of.

To show they’re ordinary people, the members of the band included a Bloopers segment at the end of the video. It’s hysterical to watch. There’s even a bonus segment. For that, the camera speeds up so viewers can see them in super-sonic motion. It’s priceless.

People can’t get enough. Comments quickly started pouring in. One posted said, “And this is what happens when your band director isn’t there for class.” Another person commented, “When band kids are the cool kids.” We agree.
Click on the video below to enjoy it for yourself.
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