Though it may go without saying, there have been some pretty incredible performances on The Voice over the years.
For those who don’t know, The Voice is like many other singing competition shows—with a few key differences. For one thing, each contestant is asked to do a “blind audition” before a panel of judges who have their backs turned to the stage.

If the judges like what they hear, they can hit their buzzers to turn around and compete for the contestant to join their team. While the contestants compete to win the show, the judges compete with one another as well.
But sometimes, there are performances that blow everybody in the room away.

One of those auditions took place on the show’s 2018 season.
Like any other audition, it began with the contestant walking onstage before the judges. She went by the name SandyRedd, and the song she chose to sing was Bishop Briggs’ “River,” an indie song that was released earlier that same year.

From the very beginning, she seems to walk out with supreme confidence. A moment later, the backing music starts and she starts singing in a sultry, smoky tone.
After just a moment, all the judges ears have perked up.

Although it’s clear from the very beginning that she’s talented, things really go up a notch after she does a run of low notes.
As soon as everyone hears how precisely she hits them, the entire mood changes. Before long, judges Adam Levine and Jennifer Hudson smash their buzzers to turn around and see who’s singing—but the performance isn’t over.

As the song builds, SandyRedd’s performance gets more and more intense. By the time she hits the chorus, she lets her voice absolutely soar—she even adds some rough-sounding texture into it as well!
Still, so far only two of the judges have turned around for her performance.

As the song continues, she hits one last enormous note that’s so intense and guttural.
Needless to say, all four judges have turned around by the end because her talent is so undeniable! When it comes time for them to discuss their reasons for hitting their buzzers, there’s so much confusion and crossfire because all of the judges are so speechless.

To start things off, judge Blake Shelton says that he knows it would be a long shot but that he just had to hit his buzzer to turn around.
After that, though, Hudson makes her play—after all, she threw both of her shoes at the stage!

When it’s all finally over, it’s time for SandyRedd to make her decision… and she surprises everyone by choosing judge Kelly Clarkson!
Of all the judges, Clarkson had been rendered the most speechless by SandyRedd’s performance, so perhaps it makes sense after all.

Above all, this audition shows just how powerful her voice was—so much so that it stunned the whole crowd and had the judges fighting each other. Although there have been other four chair turns on the show before, this is definitely one of the most polished and professional of those performances we’ve ever seen.

Congratulations to SandyRedd on her amazing audition! Watch the full thing in the link below:
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