Sammy Davis Jr. told a story wrapped up in a song in 1985 and it was called “Mr. Bojangles”
It was written by someone else, but his is the rendition cited in musical studies for its incredible story telling. It has over 14 million views.
Jessica Adler

Sammy Davis Jr. was a dynamo of talent.

He found himself wrapped up in the melodies and stories of the stage from the get-go, thanks to his dad’s vaudeville antics.

Fast forward to a packed gig in Germany, 1985, and there’s Sammy, a seasoned sixty, about to dive into a song that means the world to him.

“Mr. Bojangles,” a tune spun from the threads of Jerry Jeff Walker’s encounter with a jailhouse entertainer, wasn’t Sammy’s own creation.

Yet, when he sang it, the song transformed, carrying the weight of every word, every note, straight to the listener’s heart.

Sammy’s take on “Mr. Bojangles” gave us all some beautiful insight.

It was like he was sitting down with you, sharing a tale of a man who danced with shadows, whose best friend was his dog, and who could make even the gloomiest jail cell a stage for a moment’s escape.

This song was so filled with the essence of life’s ups and downs, that it found its way into music courses across the pond.

Sammy’s rendition taught more than just notes and rhythms; it taught about life.

When Sammy donned that bowler hat, the crowd was in on the secret.

The opening chords of “Mr. Bojangles” promised a journey through laughter and tears, all wrapped up in the rhythm of tap shoes on a lonely stage.

The heart of the song, the story of Bojangles and his dog, hit home for anyone who’s ever loved a pet.

And just when the tale dipped into sorrow, Bojangles danced, a reminder that joy can be found, even in the darkest times.


Sammy Davis Jr.’s “Mr. Bojangles” was a memory made in the minds of all who heard it.

It was a reminder that stories, like melodies, linger long after the last note fades.

This performance, this story, became a guiding light for storytellers and music lovers alike.

Sammy Davis Jr., through “Mr. Bojangles,” showed how a song could hold a mirror to the soul, reflecting the bittersweet dance of life itself.

In that moment, on that stage, Sammy wasn’t just a performer. He was a friend, a confidant, spinning a yarn that would weave its way into the fabric of music history.

His legacy, carried in the bars of “Mr. Bojangles,” continues to inspire, a testament to the power of a good story, well told.

See Sammy perform “Mr. Bojangles” below!

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