So I can cartwheel…kind of. I can give a pal a boost up to a high window, and I can do a front flip on a trampoline, but not a backflip. That’s pretty much the extent of my acrobatic abilities. In another life I may have been able to fly high in the air, tossed several meters high by my compatriots as if I were nothing more than a dove released to the wind. In this alternative life, it seems, I would have to be part of the Russian Woman’s Acrobatics team.

And if I were, my time to shine would be the 29th European Championships in Acrobatic Gymnastics for Seniors & Juniors.

The Russian team comprising of Anastasiia Parshina, Daria Chebulanka and Mariia Bakhtiarova are a spectacular tour de force of acrobatics skills.

They compete to Geri Halliwell’s “It’s Raining Men”, but it seems more likely to be raining acrobats as the youngest of the three seems to spend more time in the air than on the ground. They throw her high and she spins an uncountable amount of times before being caught by the others.

How about a trip to the leaning tower of Jeez-Louise?
Although it’s not even leaning, but rather perfectly straight up. If it weren’t I’m sure our young acrobat would have a much harder time staying perched perfectly balanced atop it! Not many people can do a split, let along a split upside down…let alone a split upside down AND high up in the air. This girl must have absolute nerves of steel, I’m scared just watching her!

Of course it’s not long before she soars high again!
More flying, more spinning. More death-defying stunts. Walking around must be so boring when you’re so used to being juggled like a baton. Even between these massive flips, the group as a whole have amazing choreography to the music, and really bring the song to life.

But of course, it’s not long before another fantastic tall lift, however this time the bottom acrobat supports the second on her knees rather than connecting the bottoms of their feet. This seems even more difficult as now she needs to balance herself as well as her two other acrobats.

And as it turns out, you don’t get to the European Championship by doing the same old boring tower stand every time…
…They find a way to step it up even one more notch. The lift starts off normal enough, but instead of just doing the boring old splits, our youngest acrobat bends her feet waaaaay over her head. Eventually her legs are parallel to the ground, but not in a natural way. In a very bendy way indeed.

Finally, after a few more fancy dance moves, and a few more dazzling tricks, the routine is over.
With flicks of their wrists, they strike their finishing poses. You can see that they feel pleased with their flawless performances, and rightly so!

I cannot imagine what it would be like to have even a fraction of the talent that any of these competitors have. Of course, with these sorts of sports, talent is part of it, but hard work and perseverance are what make these sportswomen great.

Watch the full video below to be dazzled by these high-flying acrobats!
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