When the Plymouth Police Department was challenged to compete in the Running Man Challenge they decided to take it to the next level. Instead of just creating a video with officers dancing to the challenge, they created a five-minute short film instead. Their creativity shows that these officers know how to protect, serve, and have fun with their community.
The police chief of Plymouth kicks off the challenge video as his officers hilariously disobey his no dancing order.

The Running Man Challenge is set to the song “My Boo” from Ghost Town DJs. The song and its dance have been around since 1996, but the Running Man Challenge brought it back to the spotlight decades later. The challenge became popular by college basketball players uploading them dancing the Running Man to their Instagram.
The rest is history, as the Running Man Challenge went viral.

The Plymouth Police Department starts at Police Chief Mike Goldstein’s home. He receives an email from the Minnetonka Police Department letting him know that they have been challenged to the Running Man Challenge. This police chief immediately does not want to do it. As his wife, tongue in chic, serves him donuts for breakfast he tells her,
“It’s not fun. We don’t have time for fun, we’re busy. We do not have time for this.”

Chief Goldstein might not want to partake in the challenge, but his entire police force does.
On police officer asks a woman, that he pulled over, to help teach him how to do the running man. They start dancing because she wants out of a ticket and he just wants to dance. That is until Chief Goldstein drive by, those two quickly pretend she is getting arrested, but the moment he leaves it is back to dancing.

It does not stop there because everywhere that Chief Goldstein goes, his officers are doing the Running Man Challenge behind his back. There is no stopping the moves of these police officers. They are dancing in their offices, elevators, and by their police vehicles. Yet, every time Chief Goldstein walks into a room they stop immediately.
These officers are not going to get caught disobeying an order.

It might seem that Chief Goldstein is a total grump, but he has a secret as well.
The moment he is alone in his office, he busts out his own moves for the Running Man Challenge. It was all caught on his office surveillance camera. Maybe he is just too shy to dance in front of anyone, but he should not be because everyone should dance, even the police chief.

Once Chief Goldstein starts to dance, he wants everyone to dance and not just his officers.
Chief Goldstein challenges another Minnesota police department to compete in the Running Man Challenge in front of a group of Plymouth citizens. Once he does, it is time for the entire city to do the running man with their police officers. Police officers go out to different places in the city to include their citizens in the video.

There is no better way to bring people together than dancing. The citizens of Plymouth all get down with the officers and bust out their best Running Man moves. This is one city that knows how to take a break from the stresses of life and come together to dance.
What an amazing and hilarious Running Man Challenge video from the Minnesota Police Department.

Watch their fun video in full right below.
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