A good dance is always incredible to watch. There is something enrapturing about watching people who have mastered their routine execute their moves perfectly. What may be more important than the actual moves, however, is the style that you execute it with. Someone can be doing the same moves as another but their style, grace, or suave that they perform with is what really lets someone stand apart.

At the MADjam Champion dance, two dancers show what smooth really means.

MADjam stands for Mid Atlantic Dance jam and is it all about swing! Their description says:
MADjam is the largest West Coast Swing party in the Eastern USA. Over 1500 dancers attend annually on the first weekend in March. It is hosted in the Washington DC Area by Dave Moldover’s Dance Jam
Essentially, dancers from all across the country get together to compete and have a great time doing what they do best – dancing!
While many are welcome to dance, the top groups get a chance to win the title.

It is all in good fun that people go to MADjam to dance, but it is also for the desire to win! One of the videos that went viral from their competitions truly showcases the incredible talent that shows up to these events. With 1500 people competing for the top spot, it is quite a hard competition to be a part of. That’s where Rober and Trendlyon come in.
Robert Royston and Trendolyn Veal are champions that won the 2014 competition.

The duo competed in the “Jack and Jill” finals and won in 2014! Jack and Jill dancing is defined as:
Jack and Jill is a format of competition in partner dancing, where the competing couples are the result of random matching of leaders and followers. Rules of matching vary.
When Robert and Trendolyn step out, you won’t think twice about them coming in first!
Since its a Jack and Jill competition, these two champs are having to figure a lot out on the move.

Starting the performance, the two hug each other for good luck. When the song starts, however, they are all funky business. They shimmy away from each other and slowly shake their way back together. With confident steps and some smooth moves, the two are off to a great start.
They even coordinated their dancing to the lyrics.

When the songs voices the lyrics “to the left”, the duo slides to the left in perfect unison. They are incredibly practiced and do a great job of entertaining and having a blast, all at the same time.
With spins, jumps, and twirls, Trendlyon shows off what she can do.

Trendlyon does a wonderful job of showing off her coordination and footwork skills. Spinning as much as she did, most people would have fallen over dizzy! As a professional, she made it look as easy as anything. When Robert and she give the right signals, Trendlyon is always sure to throw in a little something extra for the crowd.
Robert is a marvelous base that allows Trendlyon to be so dazzling.

Robert unrolls her like a yoyo a few times, really showing off his subtle skill as a base for a lot of the dance moves. One of the best parts of his dancing, however, is his goofiness! He obviously loves to have fun and is always throwing in a little extra move or facial expression to make the crowd laugh.
With almost a half-million views, its no wonder this video has gone viral.

Dancing is such an essential piece of culture that so many humans love to express with one another. Videos like this are a great reminder of that. We all love to see incredible dancers perform at their best.

Check out the full video below!
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