Have you ever been surprised by what can make you a little misty-eyed?
This video just did that for me.
I usually have a pretty thick skin when it comes to sappy stuff like marriage proposals and big weddings. It’s just not my style. But what happens in this video really did even me in!
Minding her own business in a square in London, Romi is just leisurely shopping when a couple asks her to take a picture of them.
Little did she know that this was just a distraction to get a huge surprise going right behind her.
A man in a blue sweatshirt starts dancing through the bustling square. Soon, people realize that something is afoot and they create a clearing. Soon enough, two more women show up and start to dance in unison with him.
This is when everyone watching starts to take out their cellphones and record what’s happening, Romi included.

But she has no idea that this is really all for her – a huge event orchestrated by her boyfriend Bharat. She has no idea that he is even in the country at the moment!
More and more dancers keep joining in with some truly impressive moves. The more people that join in the fun, the greater the anticipation of seeing what this whole fuss is all about becomes.

All of a sudden, the dancers enter wearing mysterious white masks. What’s most curious is that there’s one extra dancer that wasn’t there for the rest of the number. He takes the front and center, giving every move his all.
Romi still has no idea what’s going on!
If you guessed that it’s Bharat behind that mask, then you’re absolutely correct.

It’s not often that you see these kinds of flash mob scenarios where the person asking the big question at the end is actually involved in the dancing portion of the big surprise. His moves are actually very good! Right there on par with the professional dancers that make up the troupe.

When he finally gets down on one knee, the look on Romi’s face is absolutely priceless. She’s completely shocked that Bharat has suddenly appeared in London when she thought he was in an entirely different country.
The things that people will do for love! This must have taken months and months of planning to execute this perfectly. Not to mention the sneaking around to rehearse those sweet dance moves!
When he took off his mask and got down on one knee is when I started to tear up! I think it’s the smiles they were both wearing so proudly and joyfully in front of the onlooking crowd, but as if they were the only two people in the whole wide world.

Her response couldn’t have been any better than it was!
This YouTube comment really says it all:
“I have gained a little more faith in humanity.”
Have you ever seen anything like this before? This will be something that everyone involved will remember for years and years to come, especially the newly-engaged couple.
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