Of all the many reality competition shows, The Voice seems to produce the most consistently surprising and entertaining performances.
Though we’re all familiar with the American version of the show, it all actually started in Holland back in 2010. Since then, it has become an international franchise.

Each country has its own version of the show and each one produces all kinds of unique stars. But part of what makes the show so interesting is all the twists and structures it builds into the competition.
For that reason, it’s quite different from other shows of its kind.

Unlike other shows, The Voice has contestants perform in “blind auditions” for the judges.
This means that when they come out, all the judges have their backs turned to the stage so they can’t see who’s performing. If the judges like what they hear, they can hit their buzzers to turn around and try to convince the person singing to join their team.

That’s because on each season, the show has a contestant who wins and a team who wins. The performance we’re talking about today came from The Voice of Germany’s 2013 season.
And it caught the judges’ attention almost immediately.

The contestant’s name was Andreas Kümmert, and the song he chose to sing was “Rocketman” by Elton John.
As fans of the show know, picking the right song to sing in the audition is a key part of the process—sometimes it can make or break the whole thing.

In this case, Kümmert’s choice was the perfect one for winning over the judges. From the very first notes, it was clear that the contestant had a powerful voice and a ton of confidence. As he continued through the song, he also showed a ton of soul as well.
After just a few moments, the first judge hits his buzzer to turn around.

Backstage, Kümmert’s friends and family couldn’t be more excited!
Still, the show isn’t over yet. As the song continues, his voice only gets more and more powerful. What’s so noteworthy is that he doesn’t just cover the original as it is—he adds his own flourishes and totally reinvents it.

After just a few moments more of singing, he has all the judges smashing their buttons to turn around. Although there’s still more to go, all the judges are up and out of their chairs!
When it’s finally all over, the audience gives him an enormous round of applause.

Since it was uploaded, the clip has been viewed in excess of 20 million times—and it’s easy to see why!
Although it’s simple enough to pick a classic song that everyone loves and do it justice, what Kümmert did was different. He took the original as inspiration and moved beyond it, adding his own personality and unique delivery to it.

Though it goes without saying, all the bold choices he made definitely connected with the crowd. In all, this is definitely one of the more memorable interpretations of this song—and one of the more memorable auditions on the show!
Congratulations to Andreas Kümmert on his incredible audition! Be sure to check out the entire thing in the video below:
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