Ever heard of Robby Benson?
You might know him as the voice of Beast in the animated Beauty And The Beast film from Disney.
Benson also showed off some of his directorial skills when he directed several episodes of FRIENDS.
Actor Robby Benson has worked a lot in entertainment.
Recently, health has been one of his biggest talking points.
Benson has seen a lot through the years, and not all of it has been kind to him.
You may have heard stories of people in entertainment sacrificing their health, physical and mental, to get the job done.
Well, Benson is yet another worker in the industry with such a story to tell.
He’s had heart problems for as long as he can remember.
Benson was born with a congenital heart defect which culminated in his teens.
When he began frequently feeling dizzy in his late twenties, it was a sign that things had gotten serious.
The performer underwent open heart surgery in his twenties. It was his first time, and it wouldn’t be his last.
At 67, Benson has been through quite the ride due to his health issues.
And he thanks his wife for helping him get through it all.
His wife is American musician Karla DeVito.
The pair recently celebrated their 39th anniversary.
And he made no secret of how important her support has been – even saying he’s “alive” thanks to her.
“Karla DeVito, that amazing singer and actress, is probably the coolest woman that ever walked the planet earth and I get to sleep with her.” he said
As of now, Benson has had over four open-heart surgeries.
A few were meant to treat a condition he’d had since youth akademische ghostwriter, though the subsequent surgeries were to fix mistakes made in the last ones.
“We’ve been married for almost 31 years now. She has walked me through everything and has been my advocate. Without her, I don’t think I would have been able to make it.” he added about his wife.
One of those operations left him in agonizing pain, but he didn’t know why.
The story goes that he woke up from the operation struggling to breathe and with his hands tied to the bed.
It wasn’t after the nurse (who refused at first) freed his hands and removed the breathing tubes that he told Karla how he felt.
He felt terrible.
There was a horrible, agonizing pain and he couldn’t figure out why.
But it was too soon after the operation for another one, and he had work to do.
So despite his trouble breathing and strange pains, Benson continued to work.
He needed to put food on the table, after all.
It was very, very far from easy.
It would be pretty darn hard to work when you’ve got a mystery health problem that makes it hard to breathe.
But Karla’s help, love, and support made the impossible possible.
She knew which doctors to ask and what to do whenever he needed help.

He didn’t find out till much later what the cause of his troubles was: a mishap during that last surgery.
The surgeons made a mistake when sewing on one of the valves.
That eventually got sorted out with another surgery.
When it was all said and done, Benson further emphasized just how big of a help ghostwriting seminararbeit his loving wife had been through it all.
For their 39th anniversary, Benson wrote a song for her which he shared on his YouTube channel.
The song is a love and “thank you” letter to the special woman to who he owes his life.
No matter what happens, “I just remember I love you,” as the chorus goes.

Benson stated that being honest about needing help is the first step to getting it. Some of us just feel like we shouldn’t ask for help, which usually turns out to be a big mistake.
“If I’m lucky enough to live 15 more years, I’ll probably need another surgery, but I’m ready. Anything that will keep me with Karla DeVito, I’m ready for it.”
Hear the song he wrote for his wife in the video below!
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