Joel Morrison was walking down the streets of York in England when he came across a busker. He was so impressed by her singing and acoustic guitar abilities that he just had to record the performance to listen to again later.
That’s when people in the crowd started to joke and talk amongst themselves. They prompted one of their friends to join the performance and the busking solo guitarist gave the go-ahead with a few short but encouraging words.
He laughed and thought about it. Then, he decided that he might as well.

That’s when it really began

The original performer stepped back and let the former audience member stand in front of the mic. She continued strumming her guitar as the man started to belt out lyrics with more talent and passion than anyone could have expected to hear from a random person who had just walked in from the crowd.
He was full of energy, of feeling, and just pure talent as he held the notes and sung his soul out for the spectators on the street.

A performer we can’t forget
The female busker occasionally chimed in to make it a duet, but our new star was stealing the spotlight with a powerful rendition of Feeling Good, originally made popular by Nina Simone in the 1960s and more recently brought back to life by Michael Bublé.
As for our new star, his name is Jonathan Williams, and it might be a hard name to forget after that performance. In fact, the one video of him singing already has nearly six million views on YouTube.

When the song was over, Jonathan disappeared back into the crowd once more, leaving the original singer nearly without words. When someone asked her about the other performer, she said he was just someone who happened to appear and wasn’t normally a part of her performance.
We’re just glad he was there that day and that Joel just happened to be there already recording. Sometimes, everything just comes together perfectly for a chance moment that is destined to be experienced by millions.
A performance that reached us all
With nearly 1,400 comments on the YouTube video, people had plenty of positive things to say about the performance.
Design Zone couldn’t help but offer praise:
“Joel Morrison, your friend has rarely good voice, he gave me goose bumps, I watched video 5 times in a raw, and I can not get enough of his AMAZING performance. Has he got some more videos? Three years is enough time to setup a channel. Joel, please I need to hear some more :)”
Sydney Song also offered a few positive words:
“How many times have I returned to this video to hear him sing? About 500 times. Incredible voice, great song.”
Of course, it was an impromptu and public performance, so YouTube viewers couldn’t help but notice what was going on in the background, especially when it came to one of the younger members of the audience:
Patrick Marshall pointed it out:
“The kid in the background embarrassed covering his face 😂😂”
D R chimed in:
“That kid on the right got me so weak.. looking at his family in disappointment”
Hey, there’s always going to be one critic in the audience!
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