There are so many different forms of music in the world.
The one we’re talking about today is boogie-woogie blues. For anyone who doesn’t know, boogie-woogie is a form of piano music that was popularized in the 1920s by African-American communities and is still popular today. These incredible musicians play an impressive boogie-woogie piece, with skilled dancers who add their talents to make for a spectacular show.
They’ve all got serious talent!

The stage overflows with talent when these musicians and dancers bring down the house.
Pianist Silvan Zingg, bassist Nuno Alexandre and drummer Simon Boyer play some brilliant boogie-woogie, with dancers William Mauvais and Maéva Truntzer giving a beautiful interpretation of the music in dance form.

At the beginning of the video, you can see Zingg and the rest of the musicians getting ready to play his song “Dancin’ The Boogie” for an excited crowd.

As soon as Zingg begins to play, the dancers start busting out some energetic moves.
It’s like an overload of blues! Zingg and the other musicians play their hearts out as the dancers do the same. Everyone on stage is moving at an extremely fast pace, which definitely fits the style of music.

The dancers take front and center stage, spinning, tapping and swinging each other around at full speed.
That’s when the male dancer throws his partner in a terrifying move that only the best dancers can pull off!

Willam spins Maéva through the air, barely catching her right before she hits the ground.
About 0:38 into the video, William starts doing some insane tricks that could be disastrous with one wrong move. After repeatedly dipping his girlfriend as low to the ground as possible, he lifts her back up and they get back to the boogie-woogie.

They move so fast it literally looks like the video is stuck in fast-forward, but I guess that’s what boogie-woogie is all about!
People in the audience are mesmerized by the dancing duo, they just keep getting better and better.

Later on, 1:52 into the performance, William throws Maéva through his legs and back onto her feet.
He stands with his back to his partner, reaching through his legs to pull her through them from behind. According to, the origins of the name “boogie-woogie” are quite interesting.

“The term boogie was associated with the idea of a house rent party, where neighbors would gather together and pay a small fee to listen to boogie woogie music played by a local musician. The money they raised would go to pay the host’s rent on their house.” writes on its website.
Neither the musicians nor dancers skip a beat the entire performance, ending in a flurry of electric moves.

The crowd goes crazy when the show finishes, screaming and whistling for all the gifted artists.
It’s hard to believe they kept that pace up! After a performance like that, most people would probably pass out.

Users on the internet were totally enthralled by the top-notch dancing—and you won’t believe how many people have watched them tear up the stage.
The “Dancin’ The Boogie” video has been viewed over 20.4 million times, with 58,000 people liking it as well.

It’s easy to see why so many people were moved by the brilliant dancing.
Thousands of people also left comments for the superb musicians and dancers. This is the type of performance you can watch over and over again, gaining something new each time you watch it.

To see the flawless boogie-woogie for yourself, just watch the video below!
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