High School Principal Sings Memorable Song To Students At Graduation
The world needs more of this, these students will always remember this moment.
Eduardo Gaskell

Graduations are already pretty emotional events. But this school principal from a North Carolina high school took it up to a whole new level just so his students would never forget him.

School principal Marcus Gause serenaded his students from Wingate Andrews High School in High Point, North Carolina with his rendition of “I will always love you” by Dolly Parton and made famous by Whitney Houston.

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Marcus stood at the podium at the enormous Greensboro Coliseum when he bid an incredible farewell to the class of 2021. He says that the lyrics of the song perfectly portrayed what he wanted to tell the graduating class.

“I hope life, will treat you kind and I hope that you have all that you ever dreamed of. Oh I do wish you joy and I wish you happiness, but above all this I wish you love.”

He is a beautiful, kind-hearted man.


You can tell how much he is loved by his students. The cheers are only a glimpse of how they feel about Mr. Gause. He must have been one cool principal. One you weren’t afraid of running into along the halls. Not that they should have been in the halls during class hours.

North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein tweeted: “Mr. Gause has just raised the stakes for every NC principal this graduation season.”

Mr. Gause really can sing too! Get this man on America’s Got Talent!

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To think he admitted to feeling nervous about the whole singing for the graduating class thing. He says,

“Of course, there’s a nervousness because nobody sings behind Whitney Houston and greats likes Dolly Parton but, the lyrics were what I was trying to portray to my students. One of the things that the pandemic has really taught us is that we need more love, that students know that we love and care for them.”


But why did he decide to sing? That’s because the graduating class held a special place in his heart. Marcuse followed them from their entry into the school four years before.

Now they’ll have something to remember him by.


Not only was Marcus super thoughtful, he was pretty soulful too!

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And as expected, viewers were in awe of this man’s spirit. Jeffery Charles wrote,

“Dude, you are badass !!!!!!! I’m a white guy and I felt it all the way over here in so. California I wish all principles cared for they’re students the way you do. I could feel the love bro. Keep it up”

While another viewer said,

“BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that’s a dedicated principal!! And his singing was spectacular on a hard to it song!!!!!! Dolly and Whitney are probably smiling big!!! :)”

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So were his students. This is a man who truly cared for them not just as his students, but as his friends who would be future doctors, lawyers, bankers, artists, and so on.

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Now since Mr. Gause’s graduation performance went viral, it’s safe to say the remaining students in Wingate Andrews High School are looking forward to their graduation! Encore!

Turn the volume up for Marcus Gause! Listen below!

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