When you think of pep rallies, what comes to mind? Cheerleaders? A marching band? Roaring fans from the bleachers? What about a priest? Well, if you happen to go to Cardinal Gibbons High School in Fort Lauderdale, Florida – it might just be on your list!
Cardinal Gibbons High School is a Roman Catholic high school where students recently enjoyed their classic homecoming celebration. Like most pep rallies for homecoming, there was a halftime performance by the school’s cheerleading team.
During the halftime performance, the cheerleaders jumped and tumbled on the basketball court when all of a sudden – they had an unexpected guest join them.

As the cheerleaders did a cheer and performance to the Darth Vader theme song from Star Wars, the school’s priest walked onto the floor in perfect and hilarious timing. Instead of Luke Skywalker’s father, it was Father Ricardo Rivera – and although he’s a regular sight around the school, no one expected him to do what he was about to do. Okay, well maybe the squad was in on it too.
For one second, Father Rivera stopped the high-energy performance while the cheerleaders looked around in ‘confusion’. Just a few moments later, the music started back up and the audience started to go absolutely crazy because they suddenly realized what he was doing.
Father Ricardo turns around to the crowd and begins to finish out the choreographed performance with the entire cheerleading squad.

Never missing a beat or a step, the priest performs hip hop moves that would make you think he used to be a backup dancer in a past life. And although this was supposed to seem like a surprise (which it was for the crowd!), it’s clear that Father Ricardo had been practicing the routine for quite some time.
Once the fantastic performance was complete, there wasn’t one person in the room that didn’t have a smile on their face. Of course, the entire routine was filmed and the videos were uploaded to Facebook and Twitter with the hashtag #dancingpriest.
It’s no surprise that once the videos were put on the internet, they immediately spread like wildfire.

What’s even better? The school went on to beat their rivals during the last half of the homecoming game! What an amazing day for the school and everyone who got to witness this hilarity. Father Rivera must feel pretty awesome about his dance moves going viral and starting a trending hashtag.
Of course, people left comments letting Father Rivera know how much they made their day and impressing them with his skills:
“When your priest is on point lol my priest is like 80 not sure he would busting moves like this,” said Valerie Wood.
“Its awesome to see the way he connects to kids and how they respond to “dance communication” nothing better than dance!” commented Annette Barcenas.
“Incredibly Fun school spirit week!!!!!! He has some serious dance skills ❤️” boasted SuzAnne Devine Clark.
It looks like in this case, the spirit really moved him! Check out the full video below.
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