These performners from Carroll High School in Southlake, Texas put on a very special show for everyone at one of their basketball games.
Halftime shows during games are a form of entertainment we all look forward to. As much as everyone enjoys a game, seeing impressive routines that break up the action make the enjoyment ten times greater. Still, in this performance, all the boys in school decided to perform as cheerleaders, and they did an amazing job.

This is one of the most unexpected powderpuff performance we’ve ever seen.
It’s a common thing for girls to be cheerleaders in American high schools. Even so, these boys decided to turn that idea on its head.

As the video begins, the halftime show is about to begin.
We see a figure dressed in a cheerleading uniform walking towards the center of the floor. Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” blasts through the arena, and the other students join their friend out on the floor.

They are walking like zombies, and the audience screams in anticipation.

We bet that it takes a lot of courage to get up in front of your school and dance like this!
Work it guys! From “Thriller” to Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance,” the team of 11 guys keeps busting out fabulous moves. The video was uploaded in 2009, and it’s been noted in the description that one of the goals of the routine was to get featured on Ellen!

They never made it to the show, but YouTube users still keep on commenting that this is probably one of the best powderpuff videos they’ve seen.
More than threew million views and over a decade later, these guys are still a viral sensation! We have to point out that this is a display of a great commitment—most of us would have burst out laughing and quit.

The funniest part of the video is dancing to Taylor Swift’s “You Belong With Me.”
Their moves are impressively accurate, and the perfect timing is mind-blowing. Anyway, the song gets suddenly interrupted by Kanye West’s speech in the same way that Taylor was interrupted a long time ago. The crowd cracked up laughing, and everyone kept screaming and asking for more.

You can tell these guys seriously practiced and thought the whole routine through.
The friend in the middle with Santa’s ha, and his friends around him even start making romantic gestures to Cascada’s “Every Time We Touch.”

We laughed so hard when one of them pulled out a blonde wig and started dancing boldly to “Party in the USA.”

The ending was the most phenomenal surprise we’ve ever seen on shows like this—the guy in the middle did an amazing dance fall!

You know when they say that practice makes it perfect? Well, now we know what they meant.
Even though 11 years have passed, people still commented on how great it would be to see a reunion. We’re not sure if something like that will ever happen, but we’re glad this video can live on the internet forever anyway. Whatever you do guys, make sure you never lose that spirit—it made the whole world so happy!

Congratulations to these guys on this hilarious performance!
Be sure to watch the entire dance routine by clicking the link below:
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