Most of us don’t want to watch strangers fight or argue. However, if it’s a good old-fashioned dance battle then we’re happy to grab some popcorn and enjoy the show!
One day in Los Angeles, a crowd of people got front row seats to a dance-off that took place in the middle of a shopping area. In one corner was a street performer and in the other, a dancer that’s well-known for his incredible popping skills.

Alrighty, boys, it’s time to see what you’ve got!
The video begins with what seems to be a handshake between the two dancers. But quickly one of the men uses it to his advantage and begins unleashing his moves.

What not everyone knew that day is the man in the visor is actually a respected South Korean performing artist.
Poppin’ Hyun-joon (aka Nam Hyun-joon) is a famous singer and street-style dancer with unbelievable talent. As his website shares, he’s a pioneer in Korean popping. While he’s racked up a long list of accomplishments over the years, he actually spent time as a teenager being homeless.

If you’ve never seen Hyun-joon dance before, prepare to be amazed by how awesome he is! During the dance battle, he uses popping techniques that have everyone cheering.
At one point, Hyun-joon impressively bends his legs and lowers himself near to the ground, before pulling himself back up with an invisible rope. There’s no doubt his opponent was really going to have to bring his A-game to the battle.

Wait… I can do that too!
The Los Angeles street performer seems ready for his turn and flies into action. Similar to Hyun-joon, he starts lowering himself until he’s close to the floor. But what’s different is that he has an invisible ladder to help get him back up! The look on Hyun-joon’s face is priceless.

While the shirtless street performer takes a swing around his make-believe pole, Hyun-joon jumps back into dancing for the audience.

According to the dance company STEEZY, the style of popping emerged in the late 60s and 70s among teens in deindustrializing city areas. On their website they say:
“The dancers would come up with moves, practice them, then show them off at clubs or in dance battles. In addition to being a hobby, Popping dance gave dancers an escape, an identity, and a family.”

Hyun-joon’s quite good at entertaining crowds and in this dance-off, he doesn’t disappoint.
While his opponent watches, he shimmies himself across the ground on his knees. It’s a move that makes the crowd let out a cheer. By no surprise, a lot of people have their phones out to record the scene. I mean, how often do you come across a dance battle while shopping?

But as we know, all good things must come to an end at some point.
Hyun-joon throws in another awesome move where he lets his body “fall” face forward – only he catches himself at the very end and pops back up. Although it seems to impress the audience members, his opponent has a different kind of reaction.

Suddenly, thr shirtless performer goes rushing towards Hyun-joon and grabs him by the shirt collar.
He then attempts to throw him off the dance floor. Fortunately, though, it’s all a joke!

They didn’t exactly crown an official champ that day, but the battle is so much fun to watch. Press play below and you can judge it for yourself!
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