Park Jae-Sang, also known as Psy, released the smash hit “Gangnam Style” on July 15, 2012. The South Korean singer’s absurdly catchy hit peaked at number two on Billboard Hot 100.
By the end of 2012, “Gangnam Style” had topped the music charts of more than 30 countries including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Spain, and the United Kingdom.

The dance became so iconic that everyone around the world began to imitate the Korean sensation’s sexy horse dance. Play the song in a club and everyone’s on their feet.
The song refers to a lifestyle associated with the Gangnam District of Seoul.

British Prime Minister David Cameron, U.S. President Barack Obama, and United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon attempted the dance, hailing it as a force for world peace.

Then came the parodies.
Enter the Peterson Farm Brothers. These guys are fifth generation family farmers who farm together in Kansas with their parents David and Marla. Greg, Nathan, and Kendal use their channel to inform and educate people about farming and agriculture as a whole.

It was Greg who had the idea to make a parody music video with his brothers to help educate their city friends about farming.
What better way to teach than with humor!
The very first one was entitled “I’m Farming and I Grow It”. It was a parody of the song “I’m Sexy and I Know It” by LMFAO. The song was a viral hit on YouTube, getting over five million views in over 200 countries in 2 weeks.

And now here’s there parody of Korea’s own “Gangnam Style“, turning it in to, “Farmer Style“. 18 million plus views don’t lie!
The Assaria, Kansas brothers wrote and sang their lyrics in a way that informs everyone how they work hard to provide food for everyone and why agriculture is way more important than most people think.

It’s the same beat, the same melody, except done on their farm all while they carry out their work.
“We are the Peterson Farm Bros, and we’re farming and we grow it. We love agriculture, and we want the world to know it. Farming is a way of life with many different flavors. Being stewards of the gifts God gave us… Farmers are working harder than you might imagine. But that is just because we have a job that is our passion. We will work sunup to sundown time and time again. As if working for the Lord and not for men.”
They even share their faith! Brilliant writing!

Farms are so beautiful to be honest.
No massive buildings and blinding city lights out there, just vast expanses of nature’s colors and a bunch of hardworking lads entertaining their viewers. Cool tractors too!

And yes, they do the signature horse dance! Working farmer style!
The cattle, the grass, trucks, and crops all suddenly seem super important thanks to these guys! So the next time you shop for food, thank a farmer. If it says “Peterson” on the label, do a little horse dance. You know… work it!
Watch their hilariously entertaining dance below!
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