Has 2020 been one hell of a year for you, even though it ain’t over yet? That’s only fair. How about we soothe some of of that mental stress with some nostalgic music?
When I say nostalgic, I don’t mean the 80’s or the 70’s. No, we’re going even further back to the 60’s. Never mind modern pop and rock. Color TV wasn’t even the norm yet, for that matter. Though none of that matters too much. Talented and passionate musicians have existed long before the invention of fancy recording studios.
However, modern tech culture is about to meet 60’s nostalgia with this song cover from Josh Turner and Allison Young.

The amount of song covers you can find on YouTube are nearly endless. The overwhelming majority of them are covers of contemporary songs. If not songs from just a few decades ago. Unsurprising, considering the generation that grew up with YouTube.
Allison and Josh, though, are about to grace us with a grand old 60’s melody – and it’ll immerse you in the 60’s even if you may be watching it on YouTube from your modern smart phone or laptop.

Opening up the song with some whistling, I can’t help but marvel at the whistling being just as clear and effortless as the singing we’ll hear later on.

It may just be because a lot of people can’t whistle, but hearing a good whistler is nearly as fun as hearing a good singer.

And speaking of singers, the moment Allison lets us hear her voice, we’re already loving it. Josh on the guitar is doing a wonderful job too, and together they make this cover something spectacular.

The sheer clarity and healthy breath support in her voice is something you can only get with a ton of dedicated practice. There’s hardly any hint of straining or breathiness to her singing. Even though the song may be too old for you to recognize, Allison’s voice still lets you appreciate this cover a whole lot.

It’s hard not to dig her button-down top and rockin’ curls either.
Josh’s guitar playing is every bit as graceful. Practice makes perfect, and his seamless plucking and fingering on the strings is as satisfying as it is wonderful.

That, and the fact that they’re recording with a simple microphone stand in a room – no fancy soundproofing or stage pieces – is even more fitting. All the attention stays on their performance. Just the way it should be!

Josh’s skill with the guitar really is no joke. Even intermediate and experienced guitar players have trouble with seamless and consistently smooth scales and chords like what Josh is doing. Most people can play basic chords after a few weeks of practice.

The fingerstyle technique from Josh, plus his ability to do this while singing, shows how committed he is to music. He’s doing a fantastic job backing up Allison’s vocals.

After they take their time – Allison doing the singing herself and Josh keeping to the guitar – it’s time to burst into a duet. Allison’s voice alone was beautiful enough already, and it only got better when Josh joined in.

Let’s not sleep on Josh’s multitasking here. Singing while playing guitar is way harder than it looks!

Without a single slip-up or wrong note, the two managed to breathe more life into a 50 year old song. That’s something not many people can say. It might say something about their taste in music that they thought to cover this song. I wonder what other songs from that classic, by-gone era they plan to cover next.
Whatever they choose, I don’t expect it to be any less spectacular than what they’ve shown us here. You really need to watch this one for yourself, so give the video a play down below!
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