Although street dancers can be so entertaining, they’re also sometimes branded as troublemakers.
Despite their impressive moves and undeniable talent, they can sometimes get in trouble with the local law for obstructing sidewalks or causing commotion. Even so, many of them are determined to make it big and to challenge their bad image. Dance battles are a way of showing their talent to the world in a positive way, and this video shows that some gems are hidden where you least expect.

It all started when an NYPD officer walked by a street dancer in the middle of a performance.

The video delivers everything it advertises. On YouTube it’s titled“cop kills it,” and that turns out to not be hyperbolic at all!
This cop truly nailed his performance and left the artist speechless. It all begins during a breakdance show from a street performer. As it begins, there’s a crowd around him who are all having a great time. Suddenly, a policeman jumps in and steals the spotlight. The crowd is screaming with surprise—clearly no one expected those kind of moves from a cop! He has his own complete choreography, and the funny part is that the street dancer looks at him with complete admiration. Looks like this man practiced a lot off-duty!
It’s one of those typical “hold my beer” situations!

The young breakdancer was completely confident until the cop showed up and knocked him sideways.
The audience is stunned and they keep asking for more. The situation really heats up, and the dance battle gets a plot twist—for every good move that street artist has, this cop has two more up his sleeve! The fact that the cop did all of this with a baton, a gun, a taser, and a bulletproof vest is even more amazing.

Imagine being able to twist and turn around under all that weight!
Most of us don’t actually picture cops being able to dance so well, but we have to give credit where credit’s due.

Everyone is totally taken aback by the cop’s final move.
He does a reverse caterpillar, which is done by shifting weight from the upper body to the lower body. It also involves lying down on the ground, kicking your legs and arching your back. Most of us would get some bad bruises if we tried it out, but this cop demonstrated that rules of gravity don’t apply to him.

The best thing about him is that he is very comfortable dancing in the breakdancing circle. He trashed that party and he did it in style. We guess that these two dancers will get together later and the cop will teach him a few tricks. So, there you have it: to serve, protect and dance on!
As this clip proves, if you dance like there’s no tomorrow, you’ll surely get some views.

This dance battle video between a cop and a street performer appeared on YouTube in 2014 and got more than four million views.
Still, there’s another twist to the story—as it turns out, the man isn’t actually a cop, but a stunt man who was playing a cop on a movie set that day. We hate to burst the bubble… but the man still knows how to dance! His name is Joshua Anselm Vinyard and he goes by the stage name Bboy Elusive. He was a breakdancer act from Season 7 of America’s Got Talent. He also once said that “he uses his passion to entertain others and bring a new source of energy wherever he performs.” We’ve got to hand it to him: this video is full of energy!
Check out the full performance in the link below:
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