Of all the reality singing competition shows, The Voice is consistently one of the most interesting.
Though there are plenty of great things about it, one to consider is the format itself. While other shows have the contestants come out before the judges in a standard way, The Voice has everyone do a blind audition where the judges can’t see who’s singing.

After that, they can buzz in if they like the performance and compete to get the singers on their own team (since they’re competing with each other as well).
Still, one of the best things about the show is how the judges get involved in surprises as well.

For one thing, everyone on the judges panel is quite a talented singer or performer in their own right.
Between auditions or during commercial breaks, it’s not uncommon that the judges will do their own performances or interact with the audience in ways that nobody is prepared for.

Still, it’s less common that they spontaneously join in with someone else’s audition! Still, that’s exactly what happened during one audition on the 2019 season of The Voice UK.
Like any other audition, it began with the contestant coming out to sing a song for the judges.

The singer in question was Nicole Dennis, and she decided to sing “And I Am Telling You.”
After her initial audition, she already turned three of the judges and made a huge impression on the audience. Still, the real fun began afterward when judge Jennifer Hudson offered to join in on singing the song Dennis had just performed.

After all, the song she chose is one of the same songs that helped propel Hudson to stardom after she sang it in Dreamgirls!
Needless to say, the audience and Dennis go wild at this suggestion.

A few moments later, Hudson is getting up out of her chair and joining Dennis onstage.
Before long, Dennis sets into the song once again with her powerful voice and Hudson is immediately impressed. Although she sings it in a different register and tone than the original, it’s still just as good as Hudson’s original.

A moment later, Hudson joins in and the two are harmonizing to the song—and it brings a huge smile to Dennis’s face. After that, Hudson clears the way for Dennis to take her big lead on the chorus.
By that point, the entire audience is on their feet giving them a standing ovation.

After that, Hudson and Dennis start trading notes back and forth.
At the very end, Dennis gives a huge finale that has everyone’s jaws on the floor! While the judges have pulled off some great surprises in the past, this was definitely one of the best.

Though it’s always great to see the judges perform no matter what the circumstances, the way Hudson’s performance lined up with Dennis’s was too perfect—and it was clear that the entire audience agreed as well. Of all the many contestant and judge duets we’ve seen, this has got to be our favorite.
Congratulations to Nicole Dennis on singing her song with her idol, Jennifer Hudson! Be sure to watch the whole performance in the clip below:
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