One thing that every guest looks for at a wedding, is chemistry between the bride and groom. It’s something that nearly every couple has, just some more than others. This couple proves that they have chemistry by going all out for their first dance. While most first dances are to a meaningful slow ballad, this couple switched it up and decided to show off their skills to their friends and family.

The crowd gathers around the dance floor and cheers as the couple moves to the center. What sounds like an old timey song from the 20s plays in the background as the groom spins his bride. They move in close and it looks like just about any other first dance, with a few more twirls. Just then the music changes and the two pause, before jumping into a full on swing dance performance to ‘I Wanna Be Like You’ from Disney’s the Jungle book.
The song is certainly unconventional for a wedding, but the guests love it as the couple continues to swing.

The couple glides across the dance floor, making their moves look easy. The style of swing that they are doing is called lindy-hop, or jitterbug,, famous for its smooth moves and fancy footwork.

The newly weds entertain their guests by continuing to show their skills as the groom even lifts his new wife for a couple of moves. Their moves are almost perfectly in sync as they mirror each other as part of their routine. Based on their reactions, a lot of the guests are amazed and want more, which is exactly what the dancers give them.

Just as the song hits an instrumental break, the couple seems to pick up the pace a little and show off their skills with a little more complex spins and footwork. She even lands a cartwheel into his arms! Though it wasn’t the most graceful of landings, he flips her to her feet and they continue to swing, with more kicks. With parts of their routine done so close together it’s a wonder they don’t end up kicking each other.
The couple goes onto a big finish, where she does a back flip over his arm, but the show doesn’t stop there. The groom grabs her and swings her around his torso before helping spin her into another backflip, making their friends and family go crazy with excitement. With 2 more flips, one over the back and one through the legs their performance comes to an end with a cheer from the whole crowd, amazed at what their two friends can do.

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