The piano is the king among musical instruments: it’s elegant, classy, and has incredible range, both tonally and dynamically.
Even if you’re not a piano player yourself, most of us enjoy it when someone sits in front of the ivories and dazzles us with their skills.

Lang Lang does more than that which is expected, considering that we’re talking about a pianist who was described by a Chicago Tribune music critic as “the biggest, most exciting young keyboard talent.”
For those who don’t know, Lang is a Chinese pianist who stuns audiences worldwide.

Originally called “Rondo Alla Turca,” the famous Turkish March is the third and final movement from Mozart’s Piano Sonata No.11.
The music of Turkish Janissary bands was very popular when Mozart wrote Sonata No.11. The more riveting information is that these groups are considered to be the oldest form of military marching bands, which is where the influence came from.

In 2014, more than 200 years later, Lang Lang took the same piece and reminded us why is this one of Mozart’s best-known tunes.
Lang Lang is a Chinese concert pianist who has performed with leading orchestras across the world, mainly in China and the United States.

He was the first Chinese pianist to be engaged by the Berlin Philharmonic, the Vienna Philharmonic, and some top American orchestras.
It’s clear from this video that he has total mastery of the piano.

Many musicians and critics around the world have noted Lang Lang for his impressive technique and undeniable charisma.
It’s visible in the video and Lang Lang manages to sound like a classically-trained prodigy with a touch of modern rock vibes.

It’s a rare phenomenon, which is why the audience was at the edge of their seats.
The man is not even looking at the piano keys—his head is high up and he’s looking at the crowd around him, making sure everyone is enjoying themselves.

The most adorable thing about his playing is that he seems to be reciting something to himself as he plays.
Lang enjoys himself when he plays and it’s so charming that it will drag you into his world. When Lang’s hands dance upon the piano, he makes it look so easy!

You know you’re an excellent pianist when you receive a huge round of applause which doesn’t stop.
The video is from the 2014 Summer Night Concert, and the concert hall is full. As soon as Lang appears on stage, he is greeted by applause and he smiles happily.

This beloved pianist has built a name for himself—he even played at the White House state dinner in honor of President of China Hu Jintao in 2011.

In 2015, Lang performed with Pharell Williams and Hans Zimmer at the 57th Annual Grammy Awards.
Lang was featured in the award-winning German-Austrian documentary Pianomania, which is now a part of the Goethe-Institut catalog. Maybe you wouldn’t expect it, but Lang also collaborated with heavy metal band Metallica at the 56th Annual Grammy Awards, performing their iconic anti-war classic “One.”
This gifted pianist has played his way to more than 12 million YouTube views!

The video was uploaded in 2014.
Today, Lang is married to fellow pianist Gina Alice Redlinger and they live in New York. After an arm injury in 2017, everyone was worried that it could cost Lang his career—but fortunately, he made a fast recovery. We’re happy for him and hope that he will successfully perform in many years to come!
Watch the full performance in the link below:
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