Ever since the rise of flash mobs back in the early 2000s, we’ve seen incredible performance after incredible performance. And the one we’re about to show you? It definitely takes the cake!
Flash mobs first originated back in 2003 and lets just say that in the beginning? Things didn’t exactly go as planned. But, in case you aren’t familiar with what a flash mob is – let’s explain!

According to Wikipedia:
“A flash mob is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then quickly disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, and artistic expression. Flash mobs are organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails.”
So, as you can imagine, trying to organize the very first flash mob ever would be quite the feat!
Bill Wasik, the senior editor of Harper’s Magazine, was actually the first person to ever try and implement a flash mob in 2003. However, the first attempt ended up being unsuccessful because people ended up “tipping off” the retail store where they planned on doing the impromptu performance!
But, since then, more and more people have pulled off successful flash mobs in the most unsuspecting places with the most unsuspecting people participating. A group called Club Mob from the UK are absolute pros when it comes to executing a flawless and seriously impressive flash mob.
A flash mob “company” in the UK decided to take a busy shopping center in London by surprise.

According to Club Mob’s “About” section on YouTube:
“Club Mob are the experts in surprises, and the most creative flash mob company in the UK! Our highly trained group of professional dancers, singers and musicians travel the country putting on bespoke surprises and unique flash mobs. Check out our performances at proposals, wedding receptions, corporate events and more – we love thinking outside the box, and giving people beautiful memories.”
And that’s exactly what they were going to do for all of the shoppers and travelers this random day in September! The group made their way to the Westfield Shopping Center in Stratford.
As people wander around outside the shopping center, a young woman starts to bust out in dance moves – seemingly out of nowhere. Onlookers watch on but have no idea what’s coming!

What first seemed like a random dance of happiness in the square soon grows to two people as another man, who people think is a random stranger, suddenly hops in and joins her!
As Bruno Mars pumps over some speakers in the shopping center’s outside square, the two dancers move perfectly to their choreographed moves. Then…here comes yet another person to join them. And then another. And then another!
People are starting to take notice that this isn’t just a normal busking situation. As the group of dancers grows, more and more onlookers break out their cameras.

The first song ends and the crowd is clearly impressed. But, what they don’t know? The show is just getting started! As the dancers start to re-group, they take off their sweatshirts to reveal matching white shirts.
The group of six dancers gathers around in a half-circle as the “head dancer” gives them instructions on their next dance move. One by one, she gives them a brief “lesson” before they all bust out in, yet again, another perfectly choreographed dance routine for the unsuspecting crowd!

As the group continues to wow the crowd, they have one last trick up their sleeve before ending the flash mob.
Just before the entire performance comes to an end, Club Mob runs over to a cardboard box to grab some rolled up pieces of poster paper. As they unroll them for the crowd to see, it’s revealed that these dancers are actually promoting Mont Rose College and education!

Watch the entire impressive performance for yourself in the video below.
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