5 men step on stage with bare feet – dance their version of Swan Lake leaving audience cracking up
I couldn't get enough of this. Hilarious!

Swan Lake is now one of the most popular ballets of all time, even though it was a flop when it first debuted. Even those who aren’t fans and can’t place the tunes are bound to recognize at least some of composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky music for the spectacle.

But in 2012, it received the comic treatment by a group of men in a YouTube video that has since been watched by over 800,000 people.

Screencap via yarden ganzi/YouTube
Screencap via yarden ganzi/YouTube

Alas, watching men perform Swan Lake is nothing new. In fact, Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake was first staged at Sadler’s Wells theatre in London in 1995 and was the longest-running ballet in both London’s West End and on Broadway.

Even if you want comic male ballet, the dads of little ballerinas have long been game to don their leotards and put themselves in the satin shoes of their daughters.

Screencap via Amato Galasso/YouTube
Screencap via Amato Galasso/YouTube

And while these gentlemen are no Billy Elliott, the performance of Swan Lake by both beautiful male ballet dancers and burly dads alike is a veritable tradition – pink tutus and all (which is ironic since there are no pink tutus in the original ballet).

Screencap Linarik Colour/YouTube
Screencap Linarik Colour/YouTube

One can argue about what makes this one specific version, “The Male Version” so unique, especially since the video quality is low.

Is it the shiny lamé tutus? The feathery headpieces? Those big dad feet trying to shuffle on stage in the most demure way possible?

Screencap via yarden ganzi/YouTube
Screencap via yarden ganzi/YouTube

Whatever it is, the in-house audience clearly thinks it’s a riot (and their whooping and hollering have annoyed more than one viewer).

The men get kudos from us for simply keeping it together under the bright lights.

Screencap via yarden ganzi/YouTube
Screencap via yarden ganzi/YouTube

What’s interesting is the audience this video has garnered over the last 7 years. There’s no description, and the title is rendered in both Hebrew and English (though there’s no indication it was recorded in Israel or the U.S.). It’s unclear what exactly is going on – are they dads? Merely good-natured volunteers for a talent show?

There is a bit of choreography, so they must have practiced. Their ability to cross hands and spin around in a line, for example, is a testament to at least a day of effort.

Screencap via yarden ganzi/YouTube
Screencap via yarden ganzi/YouTube

There is also some kicking and what can only be described as flailing of feet, but it takes place largely in unison, so it’s safe to say they didn’t drag these 5 men straight in off the street.

Screencap via yarden ganzi/YouTube
Screencap via yarden ganzi/YouTube

And for some reason, people are also willing to watch it just to get angry, calling the men all sorts of names and saying they looked ridiculous and untalented (which is, of course, kind of the point). Then again, leaving angry YouTube comments is what some people consider a hobby.

As to why so many have watched the video – other than it’s innate charm, we can only guess it’s because it belongs to a genre of dad-ballet video that people find endearing. After all, dads are happy to play catch or shoot hoops with their children playing sports, why not partake in this form of athletic activity with their kids as well?

While it’s not easy to find a grown man willing to dress up in a pink tutu and get on stage, it’s safe to say that when you do it’s truly memorable – and people are keen to catch a glimpse.

That would certainly explain why so many have seen the charming video.

Be sure to scroll down below to see it for yourself.

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