With all of the uncertainty happening amidst the coronavirus pandemic, it’s always nice to see people doing things to uplift the spirits of others. While some of us might be stumped on what it is that we can do to brighten somebody else’s day during these dark times, others seem to have found a way.

As many celebrities perform live concerts to their fans and followers across several social media platforms, other not-so-well-known artists are taking the opportunity to share their talents with the world.
One of these acts is a daddy-daughter duo from Utah. Mat Shaw and his 15-year-old daughter, Savanna, have taken to social media to showcase their talents to those willing to listen. The pair sing songs together from the comfort of their kitchen.

However, the songs they choose to sing are chosen carefully. The duo makes it a point to select songs with a message; songs that embody hope at a time when we all need it the most. To their surprise, many people have responded to these videos.
It isn’t just a handful of people either. Their videos rack up millions of views. In fact, although they currently only have 8 videos on their YouTube page, they have already garnered more than 10 million views. In addition, they also have more than 200,000 subscribers even though they just recently started the page on March 6 of this year.

Some of their more popular song covers include, “The Prayer,” “A Million Dreams,” and “I See the Light.” However, Mat allows his daughter to shine with solo videos of her own.
Savanna is a vocalist in training which is how she initially began recording the videos. After the stay-at-home order was implemented and her choir concerts and practices were canceled, she decided to keep things going.

Fortunately, with the support of her family, she was able to set up a studio space in a closet and record the videos in the kitchen.
One of those videos was “True Colors” by songstress, Cyndi Lauper. While the song was originally written for songwriter, Billy Steinberg’s, mom, it can easily be used as a beacon of hope for any listener.

Needless to say, Mat and Savanna did the song justice with their beautiful rendition.
Mat starts things off with a voice fitting for a prince in a Disney film. It’s strong and the perfect pitch. Even his daughter looks over at him and smiles when he hits a certain note that just might make you hit rewind.

When Savanna comes in to harmonize, it’s so seamless that it makes you wonder if this is truly the voice of a 15-year-old. Her angelic voice carries the notes with such ease. Throughout, her father glances fondly at his daughter, simply happy being able to sing with her. The look of a proud father is truly priceless.

Though Mat seems to have a few more lines in the song than Savanna, she is the perfect singing partner for her father. Aside from sounding like angels together, their chemistry is perfectly in sync. No doubt, we’ll be on the lookout for an album once things settle down.
In the meantime, you can see more videos from these two on their YouTube page. To see this touching rendition, watch below!
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