It’s hard to NOT know who Carrie Underwood is!
From singing to writing, we’ve all listened to her amazing voice one way or another.
If you needed proof of how amazing she is, check this out:
Carrie Underwood emerged from the promise of her 2005 American Idolwin to become a true multi-format, multi-media superstar, spanning achievements in music, television, film, and as a New York Times bestselling author and successful entrepreneur. – Carrie Underwood Offical
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The CMA (Country Music Awards) recently did a Christmas special with Carrie Underwood and it’s TOTALLY worth a listen!
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Look, we all get that Christmas music can be a bit monotonous at times.
We’ve all heard the songs each year, every year, but there IS a way to make them special again.
When we have our favorite artists release their own versions of Christmas music, it adds a new and fresh spin that keeps the monotony at bay!
Carrie Underwood did just that when she sang Mary Did You Know? a few weeks ago on the CMA Christmas special.

The music video starts with a sulky and dark set with some small Christmas lights strung around.
Soon, a guitar cuts in and you know that this song isn’t going to be a “high-level” production, it’s going to be an intimate cover song.
For a song like Mary Did You Know?, it only makes sense!
When she starts singing, it’s clear that the song is perfectly suited to her vocal range.

Carrie Underwood isn’t just a good singer, she’s beautiful too!
In her sparkling black dress, she blends into the scene as she sings about the future of a baby boy from a mother’s perspective.
It’s truly touching.

Soon, they get to the “peak” of the song.

The blind will see, the deaf will hear
The dead will live again
The lame will leap, the dumb will speak
The praises of the Lamb
When Underwood gets to this moment in the song, she really lets loose!
There’s a reason that she’s known as one of the best country singers around – she has the pipes to prove it.
Belting it out, she puts some real power into a song that, up to this point, was rather quiet and subdued.
Then, without an issue, she drops back into the soft style that she was previously singing.

In the final moments, she sings out the powerful lyrics and closes the song out.
Her vocal power REALLY goes on display near the end as she holds a strong and powerful note while looking directly into the camera – talk about a stunner!
The performance had people in the comments getting chills!

Check out the video below to experience it for yourself this Christmas!
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