Famous pop group plays cover of Maroon 5 on unique instrument they invented
The group is famous in their own right, but they took on another group's song in a very refreshing way!
Randy Aragon

Some bands have an authenticity about them that can’t be missed.

With the social media craze in full effect, bands like Walk Off The Earth are gracing the internet with brilliant covers of songs that we already know and love. This cover of Maroon 5’s “Girls Like You” is just one of many incredible renditions by the famous indie band from Burlington, Ontario, Canada.

They invented the first guitar, harp and ukelele all in one, and wait until you hear how it sounds!

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Walk Off The Earth plays Maroon 5 cover on an instrument they invented called the “GuitHarpUlele.”

Covers on YouTube like this one have catapulted Walk Off The Earth into the spotlight, both for talent as a group and the unique instruments they feature in their performances.

Blueberry Guitars helped the band bring their vision to life, and the rest was history!

Facebook/Walk Off The Earth
Facebook/Walk Off The Earth

Walk Off The Earth gets right to the point, with three members playing the one-of-a-kind instrument at the same time.

When singer Gianni Luminati lets his vocals loose the performance really takes off, with the singer next to him picking up where he left off in beautiful fashion.

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Mike Taylor is the funnyman of the group and he doesn’t disappoint, standing expressionless while reaching over to hilariously pluck one string from time to time.

Not only is he hysterical, but he might have the best beard I’ve ever seen.


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All five members get in on the action, using the “GuitHarpUlele” to create the sound of three instruments.

This isn’t the only time Walk Off The Earth has used a completely authentic and new way of making sounds, in one performance they literally squeeze balloons to get the sound for “Savage Love” by Jason Derulo.

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In another performance, Walk Off The Earth uses massive bells to play “Old Town Road” by Lil Nas Xand Billy Ray Cirus.

It takes a lot of talent to play even one instrument well, but being able to make music out of just about anything is on another level.

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About 2:43 into the video, the band throws some comedy into the performance using their bearded funnyman.

It’s not just their insane musical abilities that have helped Walk Off The Earth gain millions of fans, it’s also their great sense of humor that comes out in many of their performances. That sense of humor comes out at 2:43 when they all sing super fast before the one-pluck-wonder yells stop to get them to go silent right on cue.

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At the end of their cover of “Girls Like You,” every member of Walk Off The Earth gives it their all in one last flurry of spine-tingling sounds.

Not many people can cover Maroon 5 this good, but they do a job that the award-winning band would be proud of.

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People on YouTube couldn’t get enough of Walk Off The Moon and their quirky new instrument, and millions of music lovers watched the video.

Walk Off The Moon’s performance debuting their “GuitHarpUlele” has been viewed over 19 million times, with 620,000 who liked it.

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YouTube Screenshot

Almost 15,000 people also commented on the outstanding performance, many of whom were simply in awe of the instrument they created.

You can’t go wrong with Walk Off The Moon, don’t forget to check out their YouTube channel for more outstanding musical content!

Facebook/Walk Off The Earth
Facebook/Walk Off The Earth

To see Walk Off The Moon play “Girls Like You” on their three-way instrument, just watch the video below!

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