There’s a lot of things dividing us apart at the moment. From all of the awful news we see on the TV to people just being plain nasty towards one another on the internet, the world can feel like it’s gotten a little colder and a little bit harsher, and we as people can feel a little disconnected from our neighbors. Luckily for us though, there are some truly creative people looking to bring people together through various projects, like this special dance video that took one man across the country with the power of a few basic dance moves.
Youtuber Matt Bray decided to choreograph a simple dance and craft a video with people he met on the road who were willing to get on camera and show the world what they got. The project took him across 10,000 miles and gave him 100 new friends for his video. From music festivals to boat rides to being on the beach to everything in-between, not only can viewers see all of the different characters he met on the road, but all of the different environments this beautiful country has to offer!

The choreography was set to “Gone” by Jr Jr and the end result is absolutely stunning! The video splices together everyone of all different sizes, races, personalities, and backgrounds. Some of the dancers are truly talented, while others just have the brilliant attitude capturing a happy, albeit silly, dance moment. Bray’s brilliant project showcases that strangers can truly come together, and that ultimately, we’re not all that different from one another, and that no matter what our beliefs are, we can come together for something – even if it was just for a dance video.

The world can feel incredibly separated- whether it’s in the form of politics, race, religion, and more, but the truth is that we’re not all that different from one another. If Matt Bray, a Youtuber with one goal, can get 100 people from across the country to do a dance together, then we can surely organize together and accomplish anything we put our minds to. Besides the fun nature of the video, his video teaches us one other thing – dance and creativity should be celebrated in their ability to bring cultures together and as a method to explain so much that words can’t always explain.
Bray’s video is a beautiful testament to how great people can be, and we hope we see more projects like this again soon!

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